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舞狮舞狮 舞狮舞狮 W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques.

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Presentation on theme: "舞狮舞狮 舞狮舞狮 W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques."— Presentation transcript:

1 舞狮舞狮 舞狮舞狮 W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques W ǔ Sh ī The Lion Dance By Devan S. Marques

2 北 Běi Northern

3 南 Nán Southern

4 丰富多彩 Fēng fù duō c ǎ i Richly Colorful

5 装 Zhuāng Costume

6 功夫 Gōng fu Kung fu

7 来历 ( Láilì ) Origin Long ago, a fierce creature called the 年 appeared in a village, terrifying its inhabitants. 没有人 in the village could fight of the 年, and so they called upon the 湖 to help them. The 狮 came and fought the 年, injuring it so that it had to flee the village, vowing as it went that it would take it’s revenge.

8 来历 ( Láilì ) Origin However, the next time the 年 came, the 狮 was unable to help the villagers, and so they built an imitation 狮 out of bamboo and clothe. Two men operated the lion, making it dance and move like the real 狮, while the rest of their people banged their pots and pans like drums. When the 年 saw the fake 狮 and heard all the noise, it became afraid and ran away.

9 来历 ( Láilì ) Origin In the myth, the villagers continued to perform the Lion dance every new year to scare away evil.

10 跳舞 Tiàow ǔ Dance h he-nanjing-troupe-the-lion- dance/13572813 he-nanjing-troupe-the-lion- dance/13572813 h h TY4Njk3MDg=.html TY4Njk3MDg=.html h he-nanjing-troupe-the-lion- dance/13572813 he-nanjing-troupe-the-lion- dance/13572813 h h TY4Njk3MDg=.html TY4Njk3MDg=.html

11 来历 ( Láilì ) Origin h What, if anything, did you notice about the origin story? h How does the origin story of the lion dance fit in to everything else we know about the Chinese New Year celebration? (Similarities & Differences) h What, if anything, did you notice about the origin story? h How does the origin story of the lion dance fit in to everything else we know about the Chinese New Year celebration? (Similarities & Differences)

12 谢谢 Xiè Xiè Thanks!

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