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In ancient time there once a Beast named Nian who had sharp teeth, and a long powerful tail. Nian spent his whole life in the deep ocean except for one.

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2 In ancient time there once a Beast named Nian who had sharp teeth, and a long powerful tail. Nian spent his whole life in the deep ocean except for one day, the lunar year! On that day the beast would come out to the villages and destroyed the crops and devour people and other living things whole! All of the Chinese people were so scared that every New Year they would leave to the mountains to avoid the beast.

3 One day while everyone was getting ready for he escape one old man didn’t lave bust he stayed! When it was time for everyone to flee the old man just walked down the street. An young woman stopped him and tried to get him to flee with her and the rest. He refused to and told her….”if I stay I guarantee there will be no more of this beast!” The young lady left and the old man walked home. After midnight Nian rain to the village, but he found something was different. Red paper was pasted on the doors and windows, also red mats and fire works going off in the house. Nian was extremely afraid of the color and ran away. The next year the villagers stayed and set of fire works and red everywhere and the beast never came back again!


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