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Chapter 5 Ruben & Stewart (2006).

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1 Chapter 5 Ruben & Stewart (2006)

2 The Communication Iceberg
In human communication, we can only observe three things: people, symbols, and technology (media).

3 The Communication Iceberg
People: Agents of communication. Symbols: Things that represent something other than themselves. Technology (Media): Any device that enables symbols to be stored or transported.

4 Invisible Aspects What is… Meaning? Learning? Subjectivity?

5 Invisible Aspects Meaning is the significance we attach to symbols. This significance, along with the symbols themselves are… Arbitrary Ambiguous Abstract

6 Invisible Aspects In addition to instinct or automatic, programmed responses, humans are capable of learning the meaning of symbols and creating new ones.

7 Invisible Aspects Subjectivity: Our interpretation of symbols is completely dependent upon our “field of experience.” The challenge of communication is to relate a message from one field of experience to another while retaining the same meaning in both.

8 Subjectivity Since we, as humans, can only ever observe the world subjectively, how can we ever achieve the mutual understanding necessary for successful communication?

9 One solution is “negotiation”

10 Negotiation Negotiation is the process through which we reconcile the ambiguity of symbols with one another.

11 Culture Another solution is to share experiences in common. People belonging to the same culture share some experiences in common.

12 Culture Cultures enable us to share a common set of meanings for common symbols. Repeated use of symbols by groups of people create the illusion that symbols represent reality rather than arbitrary convension.

13 Interacting contexts

14 Self-Reference Whenever we communicate a message about something we’re communicating a corresponding message about ourselves.

15 Self-Reflexivity Self-reflexivity is the ability to view ourselves objectively by taking the perspective of an outsider.

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