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Chapter 8 Energy Sources and the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Energy Sources and the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Energy Sources and the Environment

2 8-1 Fossil Fuels Energy Resources Energy use in the U.S.
Energy is used many ways Law of Conservation of Energy Energy use in the U.S. Which source do we use the most? How do we use this energy?

3 8-1 Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuel Formation How do they form?
Why are fossil fuels used? How do we transform the chemical energy stored in fossil fuels?

4 8-1 Fossil Fuels Petroleum- How is it processed? How do we use it?

5 8-1 Fossil Fuels Natural Gas How is it processed? How do we use it?

6 8-1 Fossil Fuels Coal How is it processed? How do we use it?

7 8-1 Fossil Fuels Creating electricity
Chemical energy converted into electrical energy How efficient are fossil fuel burning power plants? What happens to the energy that is not converted into electrical energy?

8 8-1 Fossil Fuels Cost of fossil fuels Release of particulates
Release of carbon dioxide Non renewable energy sources

9 8-2 – Nuclear Energy Fusion Fission
Atoms combine at very high temperatures to release energy On the Sun!! Fission Atoms split apart and energy is released Many located all around the U.S.

10 8-2 – Nuclear Energy Nuclear Reactors
Uses energy from controlled nuclear reactions Nuclear fuel Fuel rods Nuclear chain reaction

11 8-2 – Nuclear Energy Nuclear Power Plants Benefits of Nuclear Power
Produce electricity similar to fossil fueled plants Benefits of Nuclear Power Risks of Nuclear Power

12 8-2 – Nuclear Energy Release of radioactivity
Chernobyl (April 26, 1986)

13 8-2 – Nuclear Energy Disposal of radioactive waste

14 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Energy Options Renewable resources Replaced faster than humans can consume them

15 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Solar Energy Photovoltaic cells – Convert solar energy into electricity

16 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Hydroelectric Energy Moving water creates electricity Can use the potential energy of water on a turbine to create electricity Can also use tidal and wave energy to spin turbines and create electricity

17 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Wind Energy Windmills convert wind energy into electrical energy

18 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Geothermal energy Thermal energy from inside the Earth is harnessed to spin turbines

19 8-3 – Renewable Energy Resources
Alternative fuels Hydrogen fuel cells - Biomass -

20 8-4 – Environmental Impacts
Population and carrying capacity World population – Carrying capacity -

21 8-4 – Environmental Impacts
People and the Environment Impact on Land Agriculture Deforestation Urban development Waste National and state parks

22 8-4 – Environmental Impacts
People and the Environment Impact on Water Amount of freshwater available Pollution Industry Oil and gas Human waste

23 8-4 – Environmental Impacts
People and the Environment Impact on Air Air pollution Photochemical smog Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Acid rain Reducing Pollution

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