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Vocabulario del Capítulo 2A Tu Día en la Escuela.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulario del Capítulo 2A Tu Día en la Escuela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulario del Capítulo 2A Tu Día en la Escuela

2 el almuerzo To talk about your school day

3 la clase To talk about your school day

4 la clase de… To talk about your school day the …class INSERT SUBJECT HERE

5 la clase de arte To talk about your school day

6 la clase de español To talk about your school day

7 la clase de ciencias naturales To talk about your school day

8 la clase de ciencias sociales To talk about your school day

9 la clase de educación física To talk about your school day

10 la clase de inglés To talk about your school day

11 la clase de matemáticas To talk about your school day

12 la clase de tecnología To talk about your school day

13 el horario To talk about your school day

14 en la …hora To talk about your school day in…period INSERT # OF PERIOD HERE

15 la tarea To talk about your school day

16 enseñar To describe school activities

17 estudiar To describe school activities

18 hablar To describe school activities

19 primero,-a To talk about the order of things

20 segundo,-a To talk about the order of things

21 tercero,-a To talk about the order of things

22 cuarto,-a To talk about the order of things

23 quinto,-a To talk about the order of things

24 sexto,-a To talk about the order of things

25 séptimo,-a To talk about the order of things

26 octavo,-a To talk about the order of things

27 noveno,-a To talk about the order of things

28 décimo,-a To talk about the order of things

29 la calculadora To talk about things you need for school the calculator

30 la carpeta de argollas To talk about things you need for school the three-ringed binder

31 el diccionario To talk about things you need for school the dictionary

32 (yo) necesito To talk about things you need for school I need

33 (tú) necesitas To talk about things you need for school you need / do you need…? (if it starts a question)

34 aburrido, -a To describe your classes boring

35 difícil To describe your classes difficult

36 fácil To describe your classes easy

37 favorito, -a To describe your classes favorite

38 interesante To describe your classes interesting

39 más…que To describe your classes more…than INSERT ADJECTIVE HERE

40 práctico, -a To describe your classes practical

41 a ver… Other useful words let’s see…

42 para Other useful words for

43 ¿Quién? Other useful words Who?

44 (yo) tengo Other useful words I have

45 (tú) tienes Other useful words You have / do you have…? (if it starts a question)


47 tú SUBJECT PRONOUNS you (familiar)



50 usted (Ud.) SUBJECT PRONOUNS you (formal)

51 nosotros SUBJECT PRONOUNS we (when the “we” is made up of all guys or guys and girls mixed)

52 nosotras SUBJECT PRONOUNS we (when the “we” is made up of all girls)

53 vosotros SUBJECT PRONOUNS you all (when the “you all” is made up of all guys or guys and girls mixed) *SPAIN ONLY

54 vosotras SUBJECT PRONOUNS you all (when the “you all” is made up of all girls) *SPAIN ONLY

55 ustedes (Uds.) SUBJECT PRONOUNS you (plural, formal)

56 ellos SUBJECT PRONOUNS they (when the “they” is made up of all guys or guys and girls mixed)

57 ellas SUBJECT PRONOUNS they (when the “they” is made up of all girls)

58 el alemán Las clases German

59 el álgebra Las clases algebra

60 el anuario Las clases yearbook

61 la banda Las clases band

62 la biología Las clases biology

63 el cálculo Las clases calculus

64 el drama Las clases drama

65 la fotografía Las clases photography

66 el francés Las clases French

67 la geografía Las clases geography

68 la geometría Las clases geometry

69 el latín Las clases Latin

70 la química Las clases chemistry

71 la trigometría Las clases trigonometry

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