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PQRI Project Update Title of Work Project Date of Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "PQRI Project Update Title of Work Project Date of Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 PQRI Project Update Title of Work Project Date of Submission

2 Objective of Work Project Brief description of original goals and timeline of the work project Overview of changes made to original goals or timeline

3 Members of Working Group List of volunteers involved in the project – Including affiliation and expertise

4 Status of Work Project Description of the scientific status of the work – Experiments performed – Parties involved (e.g., University, member organizations, consultants) – Outcomes achieved – Anticipated impact on product quality – Additional work planned with expected outcomes and timeline

5 Communication of Work Project Description of communication vehicles used thus far to publicly share work Description of future communication plans Feedback from Steering Committee about other communication options that may be available

6 Funding Funding (amount and sources) used thus far with reconciliation versus original plan Planned expenditures and sources with reconciliation against original plan

7 Support Needed Overview of support required from Steering Committee or other groups within PQRI

8 Other Opportunities? Discussion of opportunities that may exist to extend or build upon what has already been done beyond the original scope of the project – Suggestions may come from the Working Group or the Steering Committee

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