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SQA information on verification 3 rounds of activity - all subjects will be involved at some point: 40% of activity in 1 st & 2 nd rounds, 20% in final.

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Presentation on theme: "SQA information on verification 3 rounds of activity - all subjects will be involved at some point: 40% of activity in 1 st & 2 nd rounds, 20% in final."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQA information on verification 3 rounds of activity - all subjects will be involved at some point: 40% of activity in 1 st & 2 nd rounds, 20% in final round. 1 st round = November/December (notification 1 st Oct 2013) 2 nd round = February (notification 2 nd Dec 2013) 3 rd round =May (notification 3 rd March 2014) Feedback after each round, and eventually ‘exemplars of good practice’ Verification will be central for all N1&2 and most N3-5, but practical subjects will get a visit. See Type of verification for Units (June 2013) pdf (in your general resources handout) pdf Bear in mind verification of existing NQs continues.

2 SQA information on verification If selected, evidence needs to be gathered by the school for 12 pupils If offering Nat 3, 4 & 5, then 4 from each If offering only 2 levels, then 6 from each If offering only 1 level, then all 12 from that You can select the Unit. Must be the same Unit within each level, but can be different across the levels.

3 SQA information on verification Evidence picked up from school on 4 th November if a verification event (all N1 & 2 and most N3-5). Some subjects will have a mixture of event and visiting, and some visiting only. See Type of verification for Units (June 2013) ct.pdf ct.pdf Evidence should show some form of assessment judgement and have been internally moderated – implications for departmental calendars. Delivering National Qualifications Guide for SQA Co-coordinators 2013- 14 (June 2013) is a good reference guide for everyone.

4 SQA information on verification N4 Added Value Unit must be assessed using the SQA-produced material in the first 2 years. For the other Units, you may use SQA’s Unit assessments or develop your own assessments (appropriate to the outcomes and assessment standards in the Unit and Course Specifications) from 7 types: assignment, case study, performance, portfolio, practical activity, project or test. If making significant changes to the SQA Unit assessment, you should have this Prior Verified. SQA-published Unit assessments will probably be most widely used – being adapted as we gain confidence. Teachers will make the judgement whether candidate evidence meets the standard. Use the Judging Evidence tables in the Unit Assessment Support Packs to help. Centres will be asked to provide a range of achievement: clear pass, borderline pass, borderline fail, clear fail when selected for verification.

5 Be ready for selection SQA advises starting now to think about what you might have ready for the 1 st round. Need not be a whole unit- could be an outcome from a unit. See SQA Guide to Interim Evidence (May 2013) (link on your general resources handout) Evidence submitted must have been assessed, sampled and moderated (clear pass, borderline pass, borderline fail, clear fail). Good advice in (these links are in your handout) Evidence required for external verification of Units (including Added Value Units) at verification events (June 2013) (on your handout) and Evidence required for external verification of Units (including Added Value Units) during visiting verification (June 2013) Evidence for external verification of National 5 internally-assessed Components of Course assessment (June 2013) assessed_Components.pdf assessed_Components.pdf

6 Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPs) and Prior Verification (PV) SQA is promoting use of its Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPS) which contain Judging Evidence tables You should also keep an eye out for Prior Verified materials which SQA will upload mid-September on SQA Secure. Both can be accessed by password via your school SQA Co-ordinator.

7 Where can I access support? Your school SQA Co-ordinator Your EAC SQA Subject Nominee (SQA Co-ordinators and PTs have a list) EAC CfE Co-ordinator, Audrey Brotherston SQA CfE Liaison Manager, Donna Vivers SQA website (see links on your handout and visit the subject pages)

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