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Teacher’s Institute September 14, 2012. MES Mission Statement “Dedicated to the education, support, and encouragement necessary for lifelong learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher’s Institute September 14, 2012. MES Mission Statement “Dedicated to the education, support, and encouragement necessary for lifelong learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher’s Institute September 14, 2012

2 MES Mission Statement “Dedicated to the education, support, and encouragement necessary for lifelong learning in our Multicultural society”

3 “Quality Producers” Independence Strong Content Knowledge Task, Purpose, Audience Comprehend and CritiqueEvidence Technology Cultural Perspectives

4 Presentation Targets Content Objectives a. Deconstruct content targets and identify student and teacher progressions b. Introduce the targeted assessment process c. Create performance descriptions and performance rubrics d. Introduce the concept of student self reflection and goal setting Language Objectives a. Desconstruct (Unwrap) content targets b. Create a performance rubric c. Discuss the targeted assessment process

5 Norms  Active listening to presenters and to other staff members  Please do not complete other work during the presentation  Participate in collaborative group activities

6 Why Develop Comprehensive Units of Study?  Curriculum alignment is the most powerful strategy for improving student performance  NCLB-RTI  State Standards and Measurement System  Accountability for student performance – Danielson model  Curriculum articulation for teachers, students, and parents  Improve feedback and communication

7 What Feedback Did You Receive on Your Learning Today?  John Hattie – 800+ Meta Analysis –A synthesis of research studies on effective instructional practices  Effect Size 1.0 = an increase of one standard deviation on the outcome (improving student achievement)  One Standard Deviation = Two-Three Years Advancement of Student Learning, improving the learning rate by 50%

8 Effect Sizes  When implementing a new program an effect size of 1.0 would mean (on average) students receiving the treatment would exceed 84% of students not receiving the treatment  Highlights the magnitude of differences  Visible Difference 5’3” to 6’0” d=1.0  Less Visible Difference 5’11” to 6’0 d=.29

9 Danielson Model  Communicating with Students  Engaging Students in Learning  Using Assessment in Instruction

10 Research Based Teaching Practices with “Visible” Impact - Hattie  Providing Formative Assessments.90  Teacher Clarity of Lessons.75  Comprehensive Interventions for IEP Students.77  Feedback.73  Meta-Cognitive Strategies.69  Vocabulary Programs.67  Problem Solving Teaching.61  Questioning.46

11 Curriculum-Assessment- Instruction 1. What do we want each student to learn? 2. How will we know when each student has learned? 3. How will we respond when a student has difficulty learning?

12 Interdisciplinary and Content Targets Our goal is to begin the integration of the CCSS literacy (reading and writing) targets into our non-English Language Arts courses. Content Area Targets – Staff will reference their current curriculum maps and the targets that were established last year

13 Unwrapping (Deconstruction) of the Targets/Standards  Unwrapping the Targets/Standards  Bloom’s Taxonomy  Student Progressions  Teacher Progressions

14 Targeted Assessment Process

15 Creating Targeted Unit Assessments

16 Objective and Performance Based Assessments  Formative based assessment tasks with rigorous scaffolding  Rubrics  Student friendly performance descriptions written in line with the assessments

17 Student Self Reflection, Goalsetting, Feedback

18 What’s Next?

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