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Nutrition and You 4 th -6 th grade ~Lia Caracciolo.

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2 Nutrition and You 4 th -6 th grade ~Lia Caracciolo

3 Why Should I Eat Right?? Benefits: ◦ Helps to maintain healthy weight ◦ Helps keep our hearts strong ◦ Increases energy level ◦ Increases bone strength

4 Cont’d ◦ Promotes self confidence! ◦ Promotes good sleep habits

5 Eating healthy foods and playing with friends can increase your health too! Eating healthier can give you the energy you need to play your favorite games or sports!

6 So What Food Should I Eat?? Get Advice From… ◦ The Food Guide Pyramid ◦ Shows us healthy foods to eat ◦ Shows us the right amount to eat

7 FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID Stay active and eat right!

8 Grains Eat at least 6 oz. every day or at least 3. ◦ For example: A bowl of cereal is 1 oz. Example Foods: Whole Grain… ◦ Cereal ◦ Pasta ◦ Rice or pasta ◦ Bread

9 Grains Whole grain bread, rice, and pasta are healthy to eat.

10 Vegetables Eat 2 ½ cups of veggies every day. Examples: ◦ Dark Green Veggies: broccoli or spinach ◦ Orange Veggies: carrots ◦ Dry beans: peas

11 Vegetables An assortment of vegetables are necessary to eat.

12 Fruits Eat at least 2 cups every day Vary the fruit you eat!: ◦ Apples ◦ Oranges ◦ Bananas ◦ Grapes ◦ Peaches ◦ Strawberries….etc!

13 Fruit Eat a variety of fruit! Whether its canned, frozen, dried, fresh; its healthy!

14 Milk (dairy) Drink 3 cups of milk every day! Calcium rich foods are also important: ◦ Yogurt ◦ Cheese ◦ Even…ice cream!

15 Milk (dairy) Eat dairy foods that are rich in calcium to help build strong bones!

16 Meat and Beans Eat 5 ½ oz. every day for protein! Examples: ◦ Poultry or lean meats ◦ Fish ◦ Beans ◦ Seeds and nuts ◦ Peas

17 Meat and Beans Lean meat, fish, and seeds are good sources of protein to help build muscle.

18 Pop Quiz! 1. Eating a healthy diet will help… a. Maintain healthy weight b. Keep hearts strong c. Increase energy level d. Promote confidence e. All the above


20 Quiz Cont’d 2. True or False Cereal is an example of a whole grain food.

21 ANSWER True

22 Quiz Cont’d 3. Fill in the blank. It is important to remember to_____ the fruit you eat.

23 ANSWER Vary!!

24 Last Question! 4. Fill in the blank Calcium helps to build strong ______.

25 ANSWER Bones

26 The End! Stay healthy by eating: Fruits Vegetables Milk (dairy) Meat and Beans Grains

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