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Critical Care RADIOLOGY Below the Diaphragm Pete Hersey.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Care RADIOLOGY Below the Diaphragm Pete Hersey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Care RADIOLOGY Below the Diaphragm Pete Hersey

2 A note about this presentation All of these images are from SRH patients. The images will be added to over time.


4 Liver cystsStomach Spleen Splenic flexure Aorta Portal Vein IVC Rt Kidney Left Lung

5 What’s the diagnosis?

6 Should we lie this patient flat? What is the obvious abnormality? (This was a result of C-Diff)

7 Gas in superior mesenteric vein

8 Gas in Portal System (secondary to ischaemic gut)

9 Different patient, same thing (cause never found) Pretty massive stomach too!

10 Fat Stranding

11 Gas in bowel wall

12 Anything noticeable?

13 Free Fluid Large stomach given NG in situ

14 Further down – is a diagnosis coming to mind?

15 Dilated Small bowel with fluid. Lge bowel not visible

16 More of the same

17 How should this patient be managed? Why might they be high risk for surgery? (Have there been any clues on the CT of other co-morbidity)

18 What is this?

19 Faecal loading

20 This patient is 1/7 post coronary angiography. What complication did they develop?

21 Large Pelvic haematoma (from Fem artery puncture)

22 Renal Transplant Atrophic kidneys Transplanted kidney

23 Pancreatitis

24 Necrosis

25 Necrosis with Gas Formation

26 Mesenteric Volvulus

27 (Click to see video) Note the ‘whirlpool sign’ of the mesenteric vessels around each other.

28 Bladder Outflow Obstruction

29 Massive Bladder ? Large Prostate Dilated Renal Pelvis (bilateral)

30 Stented Aortic Aneurysm

31 What type of surgery has this patient had?

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