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Parts of Speech Types of Nouns.

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1 Parts of Speech Types of Nouns

2 A NOUN is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
Definition A NOUN is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. thing person ? idea place

3 What ideas might this person have?
Why can’t we identify the idea in this picture? Ideas are thoughts and cannot be seen. Examples of ideas include happiness, mad, pain, and sad. What ideas might this person have?

4 There are two basic kinds of nouns:
Common Proper

5 Common Nouns A COMMON NOUN names a general person, place, thing, or idea. It does not refer to something specific. shoe cat house

6 Proper Nouns A PROPER NOUN names a specific person, place, thing, or idea. It refers to a NAME of a noun. Nike Felix White House

7 Classify these Nouns: bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge
dollar Christian snow city Islam Roaring Spring Pennsylvania friendship COMMON PROPER Jupiter Roaring Spring bike scissors snow planet judge city Christian Pennsylvania desk dollar Islam justice friendship

8 Check your chart: Venus La Plata River bike scissors snow planet judge
COMMON PROPER Venus La Plata River bike scissors snow planet judge city Christian Ponce desk dollar Islam justice friendship

9 Practice cn cn pn cn pn pn pn cn
Identify the nouns in each sentence. Then classify it as cn for (common noun) and pn for (proper noun). 1. The children play with their toys. An: The children play with their toys. cn cn 2. Carla rides the bus to Agustín Fernández Colón School. An: Carla rides the bus to Agustín Fernández Colón School. pn cn pn 3. Christmas is celebrated by Christians around the world. An: Carla is celebrated by Christians around the world. pn pn cn

10 Practice Continued pn cn cn cn cn cn pn cn
4. Mrs. Marrero’s students have great respect for her. AN: Mrs. Marrero’s students have great respect for her. pn cn cn 5. Students have a barrel of fun in Miss McElhatten’s class. AN: Students have a barrel of fun in Miss Martin’s class. cn 6. Write a sentence using a common noun and a proper noun. Underline each of the nouns. cn cn pn cn

11 Let’s review What is a noun? a person, place, thing, or idea
What is a proper noun? A noun that names a specific person, place, thing, or idea What is a common noun? A noun that names a general person, place, thing, or idea.

12 Remember: Choose one task from the bank of assignments. Answer it and send it the teacher. Good Work!

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