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Managing and Leading an Instructionally Driven School Culture Part 2 January 2011 Rebekah Marler Consultant, Replications Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing and Leading an Instructionally Driven School Culture Part 2 January 2011 Rebekah Marler Consultant, Replications Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing and Leading an Instructionally Driven School Culture Part 2 January 2011 Rebekah Marler Consultant, Replications Inc.

2 Expected Outcomes 1/25/11 Check-in: Jan. and Feb. schedule confirmed including overview of 2010-2011 training and support-Over lunch /5 Review of E-Myth and connection to Leadership/Management Indicators-5 minutes Assessment and reflection of current practices that ensure progress towards overall goal using rubric for indicator 1. 15 min. Complete a RUBRIC together for indicator 2 (Feedback to staff) utilizing coaching and commitment tool. 25 min. Overview/demonstration of SMART goals within each indicator and schedule time with administrator to complete for February during this week's visit. 20 min. Preparation /protocol for practicing the process of effective feedback using the coaching and commitment tool. 10 min.

3 Sequence of Training and Support: September: framing the work of managing and leading, initial site visits October: Launching process maps and time management tools to support instructional focus November: Polarity mapping and action planning for emphasis on instructional culture through development of tools December: Instructional Team planning/launch of coaching and commitment tools. January: Assess, reflect, establish SMART goals for work through February visit, develop use of tool through practice and immediate feedback using technology February: Review and re-vision of new SMART goals, standards for professional learning March: Review and revision of SMART goals, creating differentiated Professional learning based on results of tool.

4 Anticipated range of work for April-June 2011: Deepening rigor through higher level questioning ( all content areas) Content specific work (Reading/Writing) Special Education Support/Co- teaching, inclusive practices RTI/differentiation Assessment practices

5 E-Mything Education: The core philosophy behind the E-Myth Point of View on Management is the idea that businesses should be systems-dependent, NOT people-dependent. The secret of successful business management--successful people management--is systemization. Systems free your people to pay attention to the things that matter while all the routine things take care of themselves. Systems raise the level of performance of your people. The E-Myth management strategy is the same for companies with 2 employees, with 25 employees, or with 150 employees ! THE HOW DO WE DO IT HERE m ust be developed, documented in operations manuals, taught,trained,practiced, lived, revised, AND most importantly:. Principals must be lead-directors in creating "an environment for these systems in which doing it is more important to your people than NOT doing it. A place where doing it well becomes a way of life for them. "- Michael Gerber -Michael Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited, Chapter 16

6 THE # 1 System to Free Your Time and Your Team's Time to focus on "WHAT MATTERS" IS SCHEDULING EACH DAY/WEEK/MONTH with specific activities and outcomes AND making commitments to follow through NO MATTER WHAT!

7 Leadership and Management Indicators ( Observable practices that demonstrate evidence of continuous progression toward achieving student performance and leadership/management goals): 80% of principal’s time spent on Instructionally Focused Training, Development and support of all staff Feedback to staff meets the following criteria: regular, equitable, transparent, immediate, actionable, concrete, managed actively, data driven, based on established indicators, and designed to ensure teacher commitment and follow through.

8 Indicators, cont. Professional Development Plan is based on established indicators of practice, and an ongoing and consistent review of all available data: (Lesson plans, observations, Interim Assessments, Benchmarks, Conferencing Notes, etc.) as well as established criteria for creating effective adult learning experiences* (See Quality PD Checklist). Students in all “Tiers” are supported through effective delivery of all the above indicators, and students in Tiers 2 and 3 are supported by the creation of individualized goals/action plans for their progress AND the strategic support and management for all providers of Tier 2 and 3 interventionsStudents in all “Tiers” are supported through effective delivery of all the above indicators, and students in Tiers 2 and 3 are supported by the creation of individualized goals/action plans for their progress AND the strategic support and management for all providers of Tier 2 and 3 interventions.Efficient “back-office” procedures are managed by principal according to network/district guidelines, procedures, and protocols which ensure adherence to all financial, administrative, and compliance related expectations..

9 Complete rubric/self-evaluation and survey- Create rubric for effective feedback (Indicator # 2) Overview of sample SMART Goals and creating time in schedule to complete with leader during this week's visit Setting the stage to use the tool during this week's visit (establishing protocol/process).

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