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Education Committee Meeting Professional Development Plan November 3, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Committee Meeting Professional Development Plan November 3, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Committee Meeting Professional Development Plan November 3, 2014

2 Setting the Context PA Department of Education Comprehensive Plan Requirements o Plan Components o Timeline / Review Process

3 Plan Components 4 Pennsylvania Department of Education Comprehensive Plan Revised Requirements: o Professional Education o Teacher Induction o Gifted Education o Student Services o Pre-K Program Connection to the Whole Child, Whole Community plan PDE planning tool

4 PDE Comprehensive Plan: Timeline DateActivity Late summer/early fallComprehensive Plan Development October 1, 2014Meeting of the Professional Education Subcommittee October 2-8, 2014Continue Revising Comprehensive Plan October 8 - November 4, 201428-day public comment period November 3, 2014Present to Board Education Committee; gather board input November 5-14, 2014Final revisions as needed November 19, 2014District Plan on November Agenda Review November 25, 2014District Plan on November Legislative Meeting November 30, 2014 District Plan: Submission Due to PDE for implementation 7/1/15 through 6/30/18

5 An Overview of the Professional Education Plan 1.Plan for Teachers Content – Based Teacher Led New Teacher Induction 2.Support network and accountability model 3.Plan for School Leaders 4.Equitable Learning Outcomes 6

6 Literacy Teacher Professional Development 7 K-12 ELA Planning for Instruction CSS Core Standards & Shifts Writing K-5 Literacy LETRS 6-12 Literacy Close Reading Text Dependent Analysis Evidence-Based Discussions Writing Skills

7 Math Teacher Professional Development K-12 Math Planning for Instruction Lesson Planning through Backwards Mapping Creating culturally relevant rigorous units of study Mathematical Practices and the K-12 Progression of the Math Standards 6-12 Math Algebra I Keystone: Key understandings outlined in the standards.

8 Science Teacher Professional Development K-12 Science Planning for Instruction Lesson Planning through Backwards Mapping PA Science Standards/Next Generation Science Standards of Practice Biology Keystone: Eligible Content and Application of Skills Cross Content Teachers support students to read and write in science

9 Teacher-Led Professional Learning DatesKey Milestones December 2012Pittsburgh ECET2 planning committee formed. March 7-9, 2013Pittsburgh ECET2 convening August 2013Creation of Teacher Recognition and Empowerment Advisory Committee November 6, 2013 Launch of Open Classrooms, Effective Educator Workshops, and Neighborhood School Meet-ups. November 22-23, 2013 Teachers Matter event for teachers performing at the Distinguished level and Career Ladder Teachers March 2014Teachers Matter Insights e-newsletter launched April 2014Launch of Refuel, a teacher social networking event May 2014 Expansion of Teacher Recognition and Empowerment Advisory Committee to include working groups 2014-2015 School Year Teacher Recognition and Empowerment Advisory Committee will work with external consultant Jackson-Clark Partners to establish sustainability plan

10 New Teacher Induction Three primary goals: 1.Provide on-site support and mentoring Cognitive coaching/videotaping Non-Evaluative Observations/feedback PLCs and team-based learning 2.Beyond Diversity / Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy 3. Offer differentiated professional development opportunities Professional growth plan Teacher-led sessions/Formal face-to-face trainings Open classrooms Office Hours

11 New Teacher Induction 12

12 New Teacher Induction 13 Program Contents (Required) Summer Institute (Introduction to District software, evaluation system, Beyond Diversity) Beginning of the Year Classroom Management Group Management Time on Task/Interactive Direct Instruction Learning Styles and Student Motivation Sessions/Learning Opportunities Rise and BloomBoard PSE/Differentiated Instruction/Technology Curriculum/Common Core Office Hours TeachBack Coaches Open Classrooms

13 School Support Network Model Professional Learning Opportunities 14 Professional Development Plan for Leaders

14 Professional Development Plan for School Leaders Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Five networks with a cohort of between 5-16 schools Assistant superintendents: Build instructional leadership capacity of principals Function as “brokers” between schools and central office Coordinate with Department Liaisons to provide support to schools School Support Network and Accountability Model

15 Professional Development Plan for School Leaders: Growing Our Own Leadership Week Leading & Learning Institutes Assistant Superintendent Sessions Principal Network Meetings Cross-Network Sharing & Problem Solving Sessions Assistant Principals Training New Administrator Training Aspiring Administrators Academy

16 Our Quest for Equitable Learning Outcomes for PPS Students

17 Beyond Diversity training Targeted training on the RISE teacher observation rubric Content area professional development: o Content and culturally relevant pedagogy o Rigor and Relationships

18 Equity Walk: Rigor and Relationships Artifacts of Practice King Elementary School 19

19 Moving Forward Implementation Steering Committee/Teams: Goal Setting, Strategies, Implementation, Monitoring, and Feedback – English Language Arts: Grades 3 and 6 – Mathematics: Keystone Algebra – Science: Grades 4 and 8, Keystone Biology – Equity: Rigor and Relationships Time to Learn: Collaborative Planning Time Shelby County Consultancy – Gates Stocktake 20

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