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On identity, diversity and equality www.

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1 On identity, diversity and equality www.

2 What is identity? What are the most important things making up your identity?

3 “Men and women are not only themselves; they are also the region in which they were born, the city apartment or the farm in which they learnt to walk, the games they played as children, the tales they overheard, the food they ate, the schools they attended, the sports they followed, the poets they read and the God they believed in.” Somerset Maugham, The Razor`s Edge “In essence, diversity is the sum of all those parts that make us who we are – different individuals with the common experience of being human and the unique experience of being ourselves.” Sharon Chapelle & Lisa Bigman

4 Individuals become groups Common aspects of identity: Both same gender or like same band etc

5 Group vs Group

6 Prejudice

7 Stereotypes Prejudice Judgments made on the basis of inadequate information about groups of people by other groups (or individuals) Leads to Becomes damaging when judgments are applied rigidly to individuals or groups Stereotypes “Blacks are good at running” “Politicians are corrupt” “Muslims are terrorists” “Blondes are unintelligent” Stereotypes can then be used as a reason for different treatment or behaviour (discrimination)

8 Some questions to answer 1.Why do you think prejudices and stereotypes occur? 2.Why do you think prejudices are hard to change? 3.Can you think of some positive prejudices and stereotypes? 4.What can create both positive and negative prejudices and stereotypes? 5.What is the influence of prejudices and stereotypes on our behaviour towards others? 6.When reality does not correspond to our prejudice is it easier for us to change our interpretation of reality than to change the prejudice? 7.When we have no reliable information is it good to have a prejudice rather than nothing? 8.Can you explain the difference between a prejudice and a stereotype? 9.Can prejudices and stereotypes lead to discrimination?

9 Discrimination Distinction or exclusion Based on race, culture, language, ethnic origin, nationality, age, sexual orientation, physical handicap, political belief, religion or other characteristics Contradicts the basic principle of human rights: that all people are equal in dignity and entitled to the same fundamental rights Makes people powerless, impedes them from becoming active citizens Discrimination

10 We are different, yet equal What could you do to prevent discrimination happening?

11 Bibliography Education Pack: Ideas, Resources, Methods and Activities for Informal Intercultural Education with Young People and Adults (Council of Europe) Mirrors – Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education (Council of Europe) Right to Remember – A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide (Council of Europe) Compass – Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People

12 Resource produced by Asociatia Tikvah With financial support from: Joods Humanitair Fonds Bernard Charitable Trust

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