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Presentation on theme: "Hair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hair

2 2. Hair Structure Function
Hair Follicle (follies = bag) (Pouch of epidermal cells) Support structure for hair (Nerve ending and Sebaceous Glands attach to it 1 2 3 4

3 Area of cell reproduction
Structure Function Hair Bulb Area of cell reproduction 1 2 3 4

4 Hair Shaft (Area of keratinized cells above the epidermis)
Structure Function Hair Shaft (Area of keratinized cells above the epidermis) -warmth -protection -sensory -prevents water loss 1 2 3 4

5 Hair Root (Papilla) (connective tissue) -holds hair in place
Structure Function Hair Root (Papilla) (connective tissue) -holds hair in place 1 2 3 4

6 Structure Function Melanocytes -determine hair color 1

7 Structure Function Arrector pili muscle -contraction results in short hairs standing on end (goose bumps)

8 How is hair microscopically analyzed?
Hair is composed of three principal parts: Cuticle - outer coating composed of overlapping scales Humans have overlapping external scales Focus in and out to see scales

9 Medulla - central core Described as: continuous, fragmented, or absent

10 Cortex - protein-rich structure surrounding the medulla; contains pigment
Described by color Described by pigment patterns

11 Hair Shape

12 Hair Tips Broken Glass Rounded- not cut Burned Cut

13 I shared a presentation called Hair Analysis
Make sure you are entering information under the correct group Group ? Name Name To see details Adjust the light Focus in and out Crop your final picture Cuticle Cortex Medulla Cuticle Cortex Medulla

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