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Animating Art By Mr Sam Hebden. Unfortunately your sketchbooks are at school, so please work on suitable paper, that can be neatly stuck into your sketchbooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Animating Art By Mr Sam Hebden. Unfortunately your sketchbooks are at school, so please work on suitable paper, that can be neatly stuck into your sketchbooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animating Art By Mr Sam Hebden. Unfortunately your sketchbooks are at school, so please work on suitable paper, that can be neatly stuck into your sketchbooks when you get back. Remember that this is assessed work, so you have to make it as neat, well presented, and beautiful as possible. You have to print out and stick examples from this PPT, and these must be labeled and stuck in neatly. If you have any questions regarding this work, you can email me on :

2 Over the following slides you will see work by some very different artists, in different styles. For each artist mentioned, write their name, and then select and print at least one example of their work for your sketchbooks. Pick the one you like the best, or that you have the most feelings about. For each artist I want you to write at least two sentences (you should try and write more!) about how the picture you selected makes you feel. You must relate what you write to the image – for example…do not just say, ‘it makes me feel nice’ or ‘I don’t like it’ Think about what the artist was feeling, think about the images he used…what is the picture about? Answer any extra questions that are on the PPT too.

3 Using keywords: panic, happiness, anger, anxiety, jealousy, greed, joy, wonder, exploration, movement – the more imaginative you are, the more interesting your words will be! Use a thesaurus to help you come up with some unusual ones!

4 These prints by Andy Warhol contain the same image repeated again and again. Andy Warhol’s art studio was called The Factory. What do you think Andy Warhol was interested in? Why? What are his pictures about? What is he trying to say?



7 You should all be very familiar with the next Artist. We have all looked at his work before as a class. What is the name of the picture that you choose to explain?





12 The next artist is called Kandinsky. Can you tell me 3 facts about his life? Kandinsky loved listening to music when he painted – how can you tell this is true?




16 Some of you may remember Jackson Pollock, especially Mammo! His paintings were maid by dripping paint out of a paint can that was tied to a rope, onto canvases that were on the floor. Jackson Pollock was an Abstract Expressionist…what does this mean?




20 Mark Rothko was also an Abstract Expressionist. His paintings were called ‘colour field’ paintings. Why is this? Mark Rothko wanted you to stand really close to his paintings (which were huge) so all you could see was colour. He wanted the person looking at the painting to feel different things. I want you to put your nose as close as possible to the screen. Don’t try to think to much, just tell me how you feel!




24 How did Mark Rothko die?

25 Roy Lichtenstein, was a Pop Artist, like Andy Warhol. Can you tell me the name of two more Pop Artists?




29 Practical task 1 I want you to think about one idea or emotion that you have been thinking about or feeling recently I want you to make one page in your sketchbook, using paint, or coloured paper, pencils or pens. This page should reflect your feeling. Think about how you will use line, shape, colour or pattern, to express your idea.

30 Tell me a story This is your next heading. Remember kids…Be neat! This is Assessed work!

31 Objectives: pick one of the different art movements from the next slides. Use the internet to look at some more examples of each art movement. Find 3 artists who work in your chosen area. Make sure that you are accurate – cross check your artists name from more than one source. Print some examples for your sketchbooks. Identify key features in each art movement (use the words gesture, harmony, feeling, movement, style, composition, idea, meaning)

32 Fauvism



35 Futurism



38 Surrealism



41 Abstract



44 Tell me a story… Choose one picture from the PPT. Working alone, in your sketchbook, create a story for your picture. Imagine that you are in the picture…what is happening to you? Let your imaginations run wild! This is a piece of creative writing, and must be at least one page in length!

45 To help you write your story: please write about the following things in your sketchbooks. What colours has the artist used. How do these make you feel? What kind of brushstrokes has the artist used? Think of 3 words to describe them. What time of day is the painting? Where do you think the painting is set? List all the things you can see How does the painting make you feel? List at least 3 feelings What do you think is happening in the picture? What do you think will happen in the next ten seconds? What do you think will happen in the next ten minutes? Imagine one of the objects/people in your picture can talk – what would they say? If you picked the sculpture please think about the following : What material is the sculpture made from? How does this make you feel? What is the sculpture of? What is the sculpture doing? Where is the sculpture going? How big do you think the sculpture is? How does the sculpture make you feel? List at least 3 feelings Imagine you could talk to the sculpture – what would you say? What do you think will happen in the next ten seconds? What do you think will happen in the next ten minutes?

46 Practical work 2 Copying the style of the artwork you chose… I want you to show me, what happened next! Imagine the next few moments…it could be seconds, minutes or hours… Use a full page and work in full colour. Your picture should take at least 2 hours to complete, if you are working at a sensible pace.

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