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Joëlle 2012.  3 major concepts:  The Cosmos  The Logos  Theoria …..Which will become: Cosmetics- Logic and Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Joëlle 2012.  3 major concepts:  The Cosmos  The Logos  Theoria …..Which will become: Cosmetics- Logic and Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joëlle 2012

2  3 major concepts:  The Cosmos  The Logos  Theoria …..Which will become: Cosmetics- Logic and Theory

3  The COSMOS is the organised structure of the whole universe  It is compared to an animated and organised being (everything has a place and a function).  We all living and non-living are part of this Cosmos, part of this Divine entity.*  It is in itself harmonious, perfectly organised and beautiful (…If we know how to contemplate it!) =* Pantheism/Hylozoism= ”materia is a living animal” (”hyle”+ ”zoon”= materia + animal)


5  = ”The contemplation of the Cosmic order” ” THEION + ORAO (= the Divine+ I see) We must contemplate the Divine *in the reel world which surrounds us, (the Cosmos) For example, studying physics or astronomy or bology should help us see this Divine organisation of the world ”In theory” means in its modern version in a perfect situation *”The Divine” here means what is not human but marvellous.


7  The structure of the universe is not only ”Divine ” and perfect, but it is also ”RATIONEL”. THE LOGOS IS THE ADMIRABLE ORDER OF THINGS  And this is precisely the role of our reasonings skills: To be able to discover, like a biologist dissequating a rat… looking into the perfection and arrangment of all organs) *Logos= Will become Logic!/ REASON


9  Since The logos is the admirable order of things… THE GREEK WORLD WAS AN ARISTOCRATIC WORLD WHICH INTRISIQUELY CONTAINED THE NOTION OF HIERARCHIES OF VIRTUES ( Talents) = Some are born to rule (Men!) others to obey (Slaves)!

10  Nature is fondamentaly inegalitarian and hierarchical :  We are more or less naturly talented…. ….From very strong, beautiful, intelligent, healthy, fast, tall,etc… to ….. Less talented, tall, beautiful, intelligent, etc …..

11 The moral value of an individual does not depend on his talent, natural gifts …. ….. But what he does with it ! Beauty can be used at the service of good… and evil

12 We have the liberty to choose (how to use what nature has given us! )

13 Is found in the Declaration of the Human Rights (1789) IT IS OUR LIBERTY AND NOT NATURE WHICH IS THE MAINSTAY OF OUR MORAL CODEX  “All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.“ (Art. 1)

14 LIBERTY (given by our free-will)* EQUALITY (of rights. All can use their free-will, ) CONSCIENCE (personal choice to use or misuse our nature)  UNIVERSALISM ( only one human nature )

15 We should follow the spirit rather than the letter of a moral code ”Parable of the adulterous woman” = Use your conscience ! (internal forum!)


17  If free will is at the basics of our moral actions  Then we are all equal = we have equal dignity  We are all ”BROTHERS”  Then, we only have one humanity The Christian religion is then the first to have defined A UNIVERSAL MORALITY

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