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Identification of unknown bacterium

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Presentation on theme: "Identification of unknown bacterium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identification of unknown bacterium
PRACTICAL Identification of unknown bacterium

2 Why species level identification required?
To know which species is involved in the particular condition To know the subspecies To further know the types Immunotypes, serotypes, chemotypes etc Epidemiological studies

3 Basic steps to follow

4 Pure culture follow up-Day 1

5 Pure culture follow up-Day 1

6 First day – preliminary findings
Growth characteristics Gram stain Catalase Oxidase Motility

7 Presumptive follow up

8 Members of enterobacteriaceae: oxidase Negative
Non enterobacteriaceae Oxidase positive Escherichia Klebsiella Citrobacter Salmonella Shigella Proteus etc Vibrios Pseudomonas etc

9 Members of enterobacteriaceae: oxidase Negative(example)
LF (ONPG) NLF Escherichia Salmonella Klebsiella Shigella Citrobacter Proteus

10 A gram negative rod on BA/Macconkey agars
Non hemolytic, moist, irregular, flat, centrally raised, 3-5 mm colonies, Lactose fermenting, Flat,irregular centrally raised, moist 2-4 mm colonies

11 Tests to read on second day
Check whether the culture is pure Repeat catalase, oxidase,gram and motility to confirm previous day’s findings

12 Biochemical tests So it is Escherichia coli
TSI: A/A, Gas +, H2S Negative SIM: H2S,Neg, Indole: Positive., Motile Motility; (PW) Motile It could be ESCHERICHIA, CITROBACTER,OR ENTEROBACTER Glucose : Positive (Acid and Gas) Lactose : Positive Sucrose : Negative / Positive Mannitol : Positive Indole : Positive MR : Positive VP : Positive Citrate : Negative Urease : Negative Macconkey: LF Gram: Gram Negative rods Catalase: Positive Oxidase ; Negative LAO : +-+ Melonate: - KCN ; _ So it is Escherichia coli One of the members of Enterobacteriaceae

13 For further details: Contact

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