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Diagnostic of Medically important Gram Negative Bacteria.

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1 Diagnostic of Medically important Gram Negative Bacteria

2 Representative Gram Negative Bacteria Gram-negative Cocci –Neisseria gonorrhoea –Neisseria meningitis Gram-negative rods –Enterobacteriaceae family Escherichia, Enterobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Morganella –Pseudomonaceae family Pseudomonas

3 Identification Oxydase Pseudomonaceae Neisseriaceae Fermentation of glucose NeisseriaceaePseudomonaceae Enterobacteriaceae Fermentation of lactose McConkey Enterobacter Escherichia Klebsiella Serratia Proteus Salmonella Shigella Morganella + — + + — —

4 Identification of Oxidase Negative Gram Negative Rods MacConkey –Selective and differential medium –Prevents growth of Gram + –Lactose fermentation Pink colonies

5 IMViC Tests Indole, Methyl Red, Voges-Prosakaur, Citrate (IMViC) : –These four tests include an important series of determinations which are collectively called the IMViC reaction series –The IMViC reaction series allows the discrimination of bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family.

6 IMViC: Indole Test Principal –Some microorganisms can metabolize tryptophane by the tryptophanase Tryptophane Tryptophanase Indole + acide Pyurvic + NH 3 Kovac’s reagent Red color

7 IMViC Test Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer Methyl Red Test : –Fermentation with accumulation of acids: Glucose  pyruvate  lactic and/or acetic acid + CO 2 Voges Proskauer Test –Fermentation with accumulation of butanediol –Glucose  pyruvate  acetoine  2 butanediol + CO 2 - + - +

8 IMViC Test : Citrate Utilization Unique carbon source –Citrate Indicator –Bromthymol blue Citrate utilization generates alkaline end products –Changes from green to blue Positive Klebsiella, Enterobacter Negative E. coli

9 TSI — Three Sugars and Iron Three sugars –Glucose (limiting) –Sucrose –Lactose Proteins –Cysteine Indicator –Phenol red

10 SIM — H 2 S, Indole and Motility Semi-solid medium –Allows to visualize motility Cystein metabolism Cysteine  H 2 S; H 2 S+ FeSO 4  Black precipitate Tryptophan metabolism (A) Tryptophan  Indole + NH 4 + Pyruvate (B) Indole + Kovac reagent  Red

11 Non inoculated Non-motile H 2 S and motile Indole + -

12 Multi Test: Enteropluri-test Strips of multiple metabolic tests –Use of a constant inoculum –Quick –Reading can be automated –Preparations and inconsistencies are normalized

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