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The Protestant Reformation. The Split in the Christian Church Between Catholics and Protestants Begins in 1517 Ends Religious Unity in Western Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Protestant Reformation. The Split in the Christian Church Between Catholics and Protestants Begins in 1517 Ends Religious Unity in Western Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protestant Reformation

2 The Split in the Christian Church Between Catholics and Protestants Begins in 1517 Ends Religious Unity in Western Europe

3 Answer: What was the Reformation?

4 Background Information: By the 1500’s the Catholic Church was the most wealthy and powerful institution in Europe. Most church leaders were living more like kings than priests, and became increasingly involved in political matters.

5 Abuses in the Church: To raise money to support their lifestyle the Church charged fees for services: marriages, funerals, and baptisms

6 Indulgences: People bought forgiveness from past and future sin. Monies people paid to priests to lesson their soul’s time in purgatory, so they could enter heaven sooner

7 John Tetzel He offered indulgences to anyone who contributed money for rebuilding the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome. He offered indulgence not only to living people but for their dead relatives as well


9 Luther Protests: Martin Luther was a German monk bothered by the church’s corruption (1517) Luther writes the 95 Theses listing the arguments against the sale of indulgences. He posted them on the door of the church in Wittenberg Act Starts Reformation Printing Press Spreads Ideas

10 95 Theses This Act Starts the Protestant Reformation

11 Luther Feels  People are saved through faith and prayer  Against Indulgences

12 Martin Luther (1521) Excommunicated by Pope (1521) Summoned to Diet at Worms by (Charles V), refused again to recant (1521) Declared Luther an outlaw (illegal for anyone to house or feed him) Hid with a prince in Warburg His ideas continued to spread throughout Europe with help of the printing press

13 Luther’s Teachings:  salvation achieved through faith alone Bible is the source of religious truth  denied authority of the church councils and popes

14 Answer: How did the Church try to raise additional money? What were the beliefs of Martin Luther?

15 The Printing Press The Printing Press Helps to Spread the Ideas of Martin Luther

16 Luther’s Teachings Lutheran Ideas Spread  Lutheran followers used the name “Protestant”

17 John Calvin Protestant Leader As Well Calvin’s Teachings: Salvation reached through faith alone Bible only source of truth

18 Calvin’s Teachings: Predestination: God long ago decided who was going to gain salvation

19 Calvin’s Geneva Asked Calvin to lead their community Set up theocracy (govt. run by church leaders)

20 Effects of the Reformation Protestantism Spreads Weakens the Power of the Catholic Church in Europe. Ends Religious Unity in Western Europe.

21 Ticket Out the Door Who set up a Protestant Theocracy in Geneva? What is Predestination? How did the Reformation affect the power of the Catholic Church? What act started the Reformation?

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