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Visual Rhetoric C Jones.

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1 Visual Rhetoric C Jones


3 What do you think the message of this ad portrays?
This ad wants the audience to know the dangers of second hand smoking.

4 Who is the audience of this ad?
The audience of this ad is to everybody that smokes and the people around smokers.

5 Logos That second hand smoking is dangerous to everybody and it can cause drastic implications to your lungs like putting a plastic bag over your head.

6 Ethos The organization called the Chilean Corporation Against Cancer

7 Pathos This ad makes you think of the hurt that you are giving to other people around you. There is a smoke like bag covering the child’s head suffocating him just like the second hand smoke.

8 What if I omit the words?

9 What if I omit the words? The picture still worries me but I would not know that this picture is about second hand smoking.

10 Was this ad effective? I believe this ad was effective, it showed me the dangers of second hand smoking.

11 About the ad This ad came form a 2008 public health and safety campaign called “smoking is murder.” This ad was created by a organization called the Chilean Corporation Against Cancer.

12 Citations

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