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PaLA - October 4, 2015 Wendy McClure, Human Resources Coordinator Cleve J. Fredricksen Library

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Presentation on theme: "PaLA - October 4, 2015 Wendy McClure, Human Resources Coordinator Cleve J. Fredricksen Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 PaLA - October 4, 2015 Wendy McClure, Human Resources Coordinator Cleve J. Fredricksen Library

2  Assess why this was said ◦ Is this a one time task ◦ Is this and overall expansion of services ◦ Is this somewhere in between  Assess who is leading the search ◦ Knowable of the organization ◦ Enjoys people

3  What are the needs of the library? ◦ Listen to the library staff as to their needs ◦ * Extra Step: Understand how each department operates  Develop a list of tasks ◦ Determine what day, what time & how often

4  Volunteer Policies ◦ Minimum age ◦ Confidentiality policy ◦ Parent permission ◦ Emergency contact ◦ Background checks

5  Develop volunteer handbook ◦ Dress code ◦ Who to contact if I cannot volunteer ◦ Benefits ◦ Consequences if benefits are abused

6  Create a volunteer application  Create a tracking system to record time and contact information  Create a job description  Develop standard interview questions ◦ “When you walk into the library, where is the first place you go?” This tells you what the person enjoys.

7  Determine: ◦ Who will interview the volunteer ◦ Who will train the volunteer ◦ Who will schedule the volunteer * Hint: It is easier to have a list of possible tasks when you meet with the volunteer.


9  Volunteers have different learning styles  Take time to explain using non library terms such as ILL  Write up instructions so the volunteer has something to look over when you leave  Keep checking on the volunteer. Let them know it is OK to ask questions

10  Take just a few moments in your day to chat with the volunteer. They feel appreciated. They also fill you in on ideas to improve or problems they had during their time volunteering that day. (It really is an informal review every shift.)  Arrange an event to honor your volunteers.

11 Volunteer Appreciation Event

12  Volunteer Mission Statement  Volunteer Beliefs  Volunteer Values

13  Each volunteer has a tale to tell  Share the story in general terms  Watch as your personal story develops

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