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1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300.

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Presentation on theme: "1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Cells to Ecosystems Cell Theory Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Organelles & Functions Multicelluar Vs. Unicellular

2 2 The units that work together in an organ

3 3 What are tissues?

4 4 Any thing that can live on its own and perform the functions of life

5 5 What is an organism?

6 6 Name an organ found in humans and an organ in a plant

7 7 What is heart/stomach/brain/liver/ lung etc in humans and root/stem/leaf in plants?

8 8 The category for all the blue herons along the Mississippi River

9 9 What is a population?

10 10 This interacts with a community of living organisms to form an ecosystem

11 11 What are non-living things like rocks, soil, weather, water, etc.

12 12 The scientist who first used the word “cell”

13 13 Who is Robert Hooke?

14 14 He was the first scientist to view bacteria.

15 15 Who was Leeuvenhoek?

16 16 The reason Robert Hooke thought only plants and fungi had cells

17 17 What is plant and fungi cells have a cell wall and are easier to see?

18 18 The scientist who is credited with two statements that make up Cell Theory

19 19 Who is Schwann?

20 20 Name two of the three statements that are part of Cell Theory

21 21 1) Cells are the basic unit of life 2) All living things are made of one or more cells and 3) All cells come from existing cells

22 22 The major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

23 23 What is prokaryotic cells do NOT have a nucleus

24 24 All multicellular organisms can be grouped in this category

25 25 What is eukaryotic?

26 26 Linear DNA is NOT found in this type of cell

27 27 What is prokaryotic?

28 28 Unicellular organisms can be grouped in this category.

29 29 What is both eukaryotic and prokaryotic

30 30 Cytoplasm, DNA and ribosomes are found in this type of cell

31 31 What are both prokaryotic and eukaryotic

32 32 What ribosomes make for a cell.

33 33 What are proteins?

34 34 This organelle breaks down drugs and chemicals, makes lipids and transports materials

35 35 What is the endoplasmic reticulum

36 36 An organelle not covered by a membrane

37 37 What are ribosomes

38 38 Name two organelles NOT found in animal cells

39 39 What is the cell wall and chloroplast?

40 40 Organelle with enzymes that can break down particles

41 41 What are lysosomes?

42 42 True or False: Multicellular organisms perform different life functions than unicellular organisms

43 43 What is FALSE

44 44 The way that a multicellular organism gets larger

45 45 What is grow more cells

46 46 This is how a multicellular organism begins

47 47 What is as a single cell?

48 48 Name a difference between multicellular and unicellular organisms

49 49 What is multicellular organisms have cells that can not survive on their own, they have specialized cells for specific function, and they can grow larger

50 50 This is the reason why cells are small

51 51 To keep a large surface area to volume ratio (or big outside wrapper compared to the amount of stuff inside) to take in enough nutrients

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