Ina Angeles, Austin Vice Chair IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sept 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Ina Angeles, Austin Vice Chair IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sept 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ina Angeles, Austin Vice Chair IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sept 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Highlights: Well attended E-WEEK meetings, Feb18-22. Good ideas proposed during Austin Chapter Officer’s meeting, May 24. We were able to hold 2 events held for EDS. ESD colloquium, May10 Distinguished Lecture (joint meeting with CEDA/CAS/SSC), June 20 Planned Meetings: Chapter Officer Training, venue TBD– Jan 2014

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Officer Training The goal is to introduce chapter officers to the IEEE Central Texas Section (CTS) organization, and help them carry out their roles and responsibilities as section leaders. 1.Know the CTS organization, be able to carry out basic chapter officer tasks 2.Find resources that will help them be successful officers 3.Share the information to fellow officers in their respective chapters Training will initially target chapter chairs, although it is open to all chapter volunteers. The vice chair will be the main trainer. There will be at least one session in Austin and another in San Antonio. Content 1.Overview of the IEEE Central Texas Section organization. 2.Key dates/deadlines, such as elections, submitting budgets, filing L31s. 3.Overview of important chapter officer tasks 4.Best practices 5.Links and other resources

4 IEEE Central Texas Section And finally, thank you for filing your L31!

5 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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