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Life Members - Austin IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting Jan 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Members - Austin IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting Jan 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Members - Austin IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting Jan 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team l Chairman - Tom Grim - l Vice Chairman - Dave Baron - l Treasurer - Don Drumtra - l Secretary - Kai Wong - l Program Chair - TBA

3 IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateMeeting Type TopicL31 2/6AdminLM Group Activity PlanningYes 8/6-8Professio nal NI Week ExhibitYes 12/11AdminPlanning MeetingYes

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Future Meeting Topics 3/?: Life Member Reception 5/23(?): Workshop (Joint with Consultants Group) 6/26: 3D Imaging, Printing, and Tissue Engineering (Joint with Consultants Group) 8/4-7: Display at NI Week (Joint with CTS) TBD: Career Path in High School - Jim Trulove TBD: TXDOT - Road Safety - James Mercier TBD: History of Nuclear Reactor At UT Austin TBD: Telescope at UT Austin TBD: Austin Police Department Forensics Lab TBD: Samsung Tour TBD: Is Superconducting Power Transmission Real? TBD: IEEE Tech Tour of Canada (2013) TBD: The Prospects for Green Energy

5 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Do SWOT analysis as part of planning process l Strengths l Weaknesses l Opportunities l Threats

6 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Form planning committee l Life Member Reception in March l Survey LM’s for meeting times and place l Get LM commitment to attend l Schedule meetings l Promote meetings to Life Members l Solicit program proposals l Create Web Page l Explore joint meetings with other chapters l Have Technical/Professional meeting in March

7 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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