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Making it Real – For Everyone in Ealing Sue Graham Commissioning Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Making it Real – For Everyone in Ealing Sue Graham Commissioning Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making it Real – For Everyone in Ealing Sue Graham Commissioning Development Manager

2 Making it Real - For Everyone in Ealing Who is involved?  Ealing  Certitude  People who use services  Families About the work  Short breaks for people with challenging needs  Focus on:  Supporting people in crisis  Supporting discharge from hospital  Young people in transition

3 What works well? Person centred approaches Working together with people who use services, families, clinicians, commissioners, schools and other providers Learning from our mistakes Sharing the risks

4 What are the challenges? Increasing demand Meeting the diverse needs Planned / crisis support Capacity within local community health team

5 Milton Keynes Council and MacIntyre “Working in partnership to enable people with complex needs to move back to Milton Keynes and to live a life that makes sense to them”

6 The positives A shared ethos – it is all about the person A great exchange of expertise, experience between the two organisations Relationship building between two organisations. Merging of best practice – “Living Locally” and “On Track” Multi-disciplinary team meetings and co-production Pooling of training and other resources Ownership and assessment of risk by Milton Keynes Council Agreed protocols for the ongoing monitoring of risk Continual reflection and learning.

7 The not so positive Lead in times (18 months) Complexities of individual circumstances leading to “timescales slippage” Upfront investment required for person centred transitions and staff recruitment and induction Availability of suitable housing Change in key leadership figures Retention of staff team as timescales stall.

8 Sharing experiences past and present to make it real for everyone. Leeds City Council Real Life Options

9 About our work  Providing bespoke support for people with autism and complex needs  Supporting people to stay in their local community  Preventing people going into Assessment and Treatment Units or returning to Assessment and Treatment Units  Enabling people to come back home from out of area placements

10 What’s worked for us  Long term relationship between Leeds and RLO  Trust, confidence and mutual respect  Good communication  Building relationship with other authorities to enable people to come home  Person centred approaches  Focus on preferred activities  Matching staff  Working closely with families

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