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Jane Jobarteh Midlands and East May 2013 The Future of Social Care Patients First and Foremost.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Jobarteh Midlands and East May 2013 The Future of Social Care Patients First and Foremost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Jobarteh Midlands and East May 2013 The Future of Social Care Patients First and Foremost

2 The presentation will cover: Choice Cost Quality The future

3 Choice, control and quality People can choose between a range of high quality options, or create their own People develop their own care and support plan People have clear information to make good choices about care People are in control of their own budget People’s views are heard and help improve services In the new, person-centred system... i ? Not enough people have control of their care and support plan or budget People do not have access to good, clear information about other options People do not have enough choice about services In the current system…

4 Choices - Access to Care People have told the government that the process for determining who is eligible for care and support is confusing and unfair. Decisions are not transparent, and they vary across the country. The end result is that people can be left without the support they need. The draft Bill provides for a national threshold for eligibility, set out in clear regulations and applied fairly and consistently. This will give people a better understanding of whether they should receive local authority funded social care across England. 4

5 Choices - Personalisation One of the best ways to improve the quality of care will be getting people to exercise choice and control over how their needs are met. The draft Care and Support Bill will place personal budgets on a legislative footing for the first time. Local authorities should also be working to meet the objective set out in the Vision for Adult Social Care and provide personal budgets for everyone eligible for ongoing social care, preferably as a direct payment, by April 2013. Personal budgets are not currently appropriate for all people and the government has agreed with the sector a realistic but challenging objective of 70% of people nationally. 5

6 Cost - Funding Reform The Government has committed to a cap on care costs equivalent to £75,000 in 2017/18 prices across England Both local authorities and providers will need to share more information with local people about how they calculate the costs of care. The draft Bill will also benefit those with caring responsibilities. It will simplify the process of assessments and place a new duty on councils to meet a carer’s eligible needs for support. This will be underpinned by a commitment to provide new resources rising to £175m per year across the country. 6

7 Quality While there are many excellent examples of high quality care, feedback indicates quality can be variable and inconsistent. Therefore as a starting point, all providers of care must meet the Care Quality Commission’s Essential Standards. In addition the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence will develop quality standards on a range of issues affecting older people in residential care and community settings. The White Paper sets out an ambition to shift the focus of commissioning from “contracting by the minute” to outcomes for individuals and families 7

8 Quality Francis Report ‘The system as a whole failed in its most essential duty – to protect patients from unacceptable risks of harm and from unacceptable, and in some cases inhumane, treatment that should never be tolerated in any hospital’ ‘a fundamental culture change is needed’ ‘can largely be implemented within the system that has now been created by the new reforms’. ‘this will not be brought about by yet further “top down” pronouncements but by the engagement of every single person serving patients’ ‘I hope that the recommendations in this report can contribute to that end and put patients where they are entitled to be – the first and foremost consideration of the system and everyone who works in it’

9 Patients First and Foremost – a five point plan  Preventing problems  Detecting problems quickly  Taking action promptly  Ensuring robust accountability  Ensuring staff are trained and motivated

10 The Future Integration The White Paper sets out the ambition for health, care and support to be organised around the needs of the individual user rather than focusing on organisations and services. A reformed system where organisations work together to give individuals real control and choice over the care they receive. Good practice already exists and we need to learn from and build on that. Encouraging sensible debate and collaboration about the needs of local people is a key success factor to enable real change to take place 10

11 11 What does this mean for providers of care services? Service users and their families more informed and in control through direct payments Mature discussion between commissioners and providers to avoid market failure and build a resilient care system Real focus on quality – driven by local leadership, clear workforce strategy, transparency of information, and quality standards

12 12 Some opportunities and challenges for care providers Continuing to develop services that meet modern expectations Working with specialised housing operators and developers. Exploring the potential for partnerships with the NHS. Building a more constructive dialogue with commissioners. Connecting care homes with the communities they serve. Improving the image of the care sector - both for service users and as a place to work.

13 Thank you for listening 13

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