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Social structure (lat. -building) – this is an internal device of society (the generalities, groups); the ordered collections of the social generalities,

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Presentation on theme: "Social structure (lat. -building) – this is an internal device of society (the generalities, groups); the ordered collections of the social generalities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social structure (lat. -building) – this is an internal device of society (the generalities, groups); the ordered collections of the social generalities, social institute and relations between them. In narrow sense of the word under social structure is understood collection social status and roles, function bound between itself

2 approach pertaining to social structure of society. representatives of the structured approach give accent on stability of the social structure society (separate stratums, analyse inequality of the classes representatives of the functional approach on the contrary, analyse processes an intercoupling between some group

3 The social status - an integral factor of the social position to personalities or social group. Social status - some stable, firm elements of the social structure, which define position of the person in society, will assign certain collection of the rights and duties

4 Status identification Статусный образ The status duties The status role The status diapazon The status rights

5 stratification - a process and result of division society on different social layer, differring its public status. This term interconnected with sociology from geology, where he means location a layer land

6 social stratification - degreesable hierarchy social inequality, as well as process and result between group.

7 approaches to social stratification theory функционализма - comes from that that social inequality is a necessary characteristic different orderly developing social system representatives to theories conflictology focus its attention on their difference

8 Типы социальной стратификации Slave Caste Layerable Classable economic social and legal form on people social stratum, hereditary goes through generation social group is consolidated by legal rights and custom, hereditary going through generation Capitalism is the main element to stratifications

9 Social layerization- division society on elements, determination of the component parts of the social organism and his(its) specialization, appearance new structure, status and roles

10 Social layerization G.Spensor E.Durkgeym this term first entered to classify process of the appearance function - specialized institute and divisions of labor has ed social layerization with growing of density of the population, reinforcement of the relations between group

11 Signs of social layers individuals as of signs additional signs groups as of signs religious related communications cultural

12 Horizontal layerization has in view of group of the population on sex, age, religions, рассе, nations, place of living and other sign Vertikal layerization (social layerization) describes the multiple social structures. Representatives these structures differ friend from friend by power, material wealth, rights and duty Types of layerization

13 in modern society possible to separate following groups high class. production resource (or their managament): rich, large manufacturers the worker class. "blue collars" or occupied by handiwork the average class. "white collars" and professionals

14 social transportability - a moving the individual from one social layer in another; change the place of the individual in social structure society. Notion social transportability carried in sociology P.A.SOROKIN

15 Types of social transportability Horizontal - change the person on length of its lifes, from one status on another, which are an aproximate equivalent (carpenter, locksmith) Vertikal change the person of its status on more high social status with more high prestige, incom and power or more low transportability between descendant individual vertical transportability characteristic firm society mazkur jamiyatdagi mobillik yig‘indisi bilan (bu yig‘indi ijtimoiy maqomlar soni va ularning o‘rtasidagi aloqalar xususiyatiga bog‘liq bo‘ladi) odamlarga harakatlanish imkoniyatini beruvchi sharoitlar bilan Jamiyatda ijtimoiy mobillik darajasi

16 С совокупностими mazkur jamiyatdagi mobillik yig‘indisi bilan (bu yig‘indi ijtimoiy maqomlar soni va ularning o‘rtasidagi aloqalar xususiyatiga bog‘liq bo‘ladi) with situation giving people possibility actions Degree of social transportability in society

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