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Please take out module 25 for check-off! Get a computer

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1 Please take out module 25 for check-off! Get a computer
APES 12.3 and 12.4 Please take out module 25 for check-off! Get a computer

2 Module 25 Multiple Choice
D- acid rain only causes chemical weathering. Erosion is a natural process E- main soil formation factors are climate, parent material, topography, organisms, time D- correct horizon order is OAEBC A- clay isn’t as permeable and won’t allow as much water to seep out E- aluminum would lower the base saturation because (Al and H are the main soil acids) E- tailings are the waste materials from mining

3 End of Chapter MC D- heavier elements make up the earth’s core and lighter elements are towards the surface C- after the core, the order of layers is mantle, asthenosphere, lithosphere, soil E- all 3 are evidence of Pangaea E- subsurface mining is most dangerous to miners because of build up of toxic gases and chance for collapses E- each step up the richter scale is 10x more powerful (like the pH scale!)

4 End of Chapter MC 6. D- plate move laterally at transform plate boundaries 7. C- subduction occurs at convergent boundaries 8. B- seafloor spreading occurs at divergent boundaries 9. E- an epicenter is the point above an earthquake 10. E- fossils are found in sedimentary rock 11. C- extrusive igneous rock comes from cooling of magma, so it must be on the ocean floor where magma comes up (best answer) 12. A- soil DOES change constantly 13. C- the B horizon is subsoil

5 Homework Accuracy Check
Module 24: From #19: what are some unique characteristics of igneous rock? Module 25: b. Write down your answer to #7 c. Define two different mining methods

6 Finish Rock Cycle Notes

7 Soil Formation and Properties

8 Soil Formation The type of soil found in an ecosystem is determined by: Parent material (underlying rock) Climate (affects amount of decomp., types of vegetation) Topography (losing/gaining sediment from erosion) Organisms (decomposers, detritivores, etc.) Time (usually more time = more nutrients)

9 Soil Formation

10 Soil’s profile is made up of several distinct horizontal layers called Horizons

11 O Horizon – “Organic” Layer, contains dead/decomposing plants & animals; supplies nutrients for the soil A & E Horizon – Topsoil (darker brown); where majority of roots located, thickness dependent on amount of decomposed material B Horizon – Subsoil (Lighter/Cinnamon) ; materials from A & O deposited, few roots C Horizon – Parent material (gray); weathering of this horizon creates upper horizons

12 Leaching and Accumulation
ion/collections/soil_horizons.html From the top  Decomposition and the leaching of water through the soil move nutrients From the bottom  Weathering causes the parent material to break apart

13 Soil Profile O Eluviation/Zone of Leaching – water percolates down the soil, transporting materials. Happens in Horizons A & E A E Illuviation/Zone of Accumulation – where transported materials are deposited. Happens in Horizon B. B C

14 Soil Analysis Lab Which soil horizon will you be testing?

15 Soil Texture Find 40% Sand 45% Silt 15% Clay Loam Mixture of all 3
Really only need to find 2 of the 3 points. 3rd point acts as a clarifier Sandy loam would be a mixture of all 3, that has a significantly higher percentage of sand

16 Soil Lab Steps Read introduction and do pre-lab q’s
Lab 1- Soil Texture a.(do the quantitative “feel” test and the quantitative soil triangle test) b. Answer the analysis q’s as homework! 3. Lab 2- Soil Porosity (percent pore space) Read the background and examine the rock samples first Do the porosity procedure and calculation (see formula in the background)

17 Soil Lab Steps Lab 3- Soil Percolation
Read the background and answer the pre- lab questions Do the test using your phone for a timer Lab 4- Soil pH Use the pH probes instead of test strips

18 Eastern WA soil is more suited for farming than Western WA. Why?
No glaciers  sandy soil that weathers easily Hotter  Speeds up decomposition Less dense canopy  more water hits soil and soaks in Grasslands  Easily decompose Western WA Glaciers  Gravel and silt Colder  Slower decomposition Dense canopy  A lot of rain caught in trees Conifers  Needles very acidic and don’t decompose

19 Due Next Time ALL of Soil Lab!
(Pre-lab, data, analysis questions all in lab book!)

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