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Earthquake Vocabulary

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1 Earthquake Vocabulary

2 Earthquake Vibrations in the earth caused by the sudden release of energy, usually a result of the movement of rocks along a fault.

3 Fault A fracture in bedrock, along which the opposite sides of the fracture move in opposite directions.

4 Focus The location where the rupture of an earthquake begins and energy is released. This happens below the earth’s surface.

5 Epicenter The point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus of an earthquake.

6 Aftershock An earthquake that follows the main shock of an earthquake.

7 Seismograph The instrument that detects, records, and measures the vibrations produced by an earthquake.

8 Seismogram The record made by a seismograph; the paper on which earthquake waves are recorded.

9 Richter Scale The scale used to categorize the intensity of earthquakes

10 Plate Tectonics A theory stating that the earth’s surface is broken into plates that move.

11 Plate A large section of the earth’s surface made of the crust and the rigid top part of the mantle.

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