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What did practicum mean to me?

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Presentation on theme: "What did practicum mean to me?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What did practicum mean to me?
By: Taylor Kemp

2 New Technology Learning new technology that is available to use has been extremely beneficial to me. I feel that it will give me the ability to make my lessons that much better, and to teach to the generation that is in the school now.

3 Classroom Management Learning many different techniques has been extremely helpful in preparing to student teach as well as becoming a teacher.

4 Opportunities Practicum has given me many opportunities to be in a classroom both as an observer and as the teacher. It has allowed me to try out different techniques that I have wanted to use. Some working while others not. Overall, it was a perfect time to practice.

5 Connections This semester has allowed me the ability to make connections within a school. I have met many different teachers And administrators That could help me out in the future.

6 Organization Practicum has really allowed me to not so much become more organized but rather help me understand why it is so important. A way that I have done this is through using Delicious.

7 Resources During practicum I have realized that many different resources have come my way. If it be other people, online or in person. All have been very helpful.

8 Confidence Practicum has given me more confidence that I could have ever imagined to gain for being in the field. I have learned many different “tricks” for my bag to keep over the years.

9 Collaboration Practicum has allowed me the opportunity to collaborate with many different people in many different situations. This has been one of the best experiences for me. Big groups and small, I have taken something away from each one.

10 Practice I have been given the opportunity to practice what I have learned many times. Through doing projects, through teaching lessons, and every other aspect of being in class. This has been very helpful.

11 Self Learning Through this experience I have learned so much about myself, but also reaffirmed one many thing as well. That is, I still want to be a teacher. This experience has shown me even more than I had already known, I want to teach. It has allowed me to see multiple sides of the career, and I want to do it all.

12 Credits Tie dye from
Comic life logo Whale image Connections image Calendar Image Books image Other images from creative commons

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