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The Ottoman Empire, The Islamic Heartlands, and Qing China.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottoman Empire, The Islamic Heartlands, and Qing China."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottoman Empire, The Islamic Heartlands, and Qing China

2 The Ottomans weak rulers led to power struggles between rivals, religious experts and Janissary corps commanders local leaders cheating on tax payments

3 Growth of imported goods weakening local businesses and manufacturing-urban riots Merchants mainly Christians and Jews and traded more and more with the West

4 Military weakened-pushed out of the Balkans by The Austrian Hapsburgs 1700’s-main threat becomes Russia-westernized by Peter the Great

5 Lost Causasus region and Crimea revolt in Serbia Greeks independent by 1830

6 Why survived? European rivals divided against each other British worried about expansion of the Russians

7 Needed reform from within…caused tensions some wanted change to Western style…others wanted to return to the past…still others wanted to keep things the same

8 Jannisaries overthrew Selim II because of reforms Selim III wiped them out Mahmud II –a reformer Ambassadors with the West westernized army

9 1838-British given rights to no import taxes and did not have to follow Ottoman laws in their trade areas Changes not fast enough and Sultan looked upon as holding the country back

10 Response-Abdul Hamid did away with constitution, reforms, liberties..used imprisonment, torture..but kept western military Response-1908- The Young Turks

11 Sultan becomes a figurehead and leader of the faith Infighting among military leaders New wars in the Balkans, in Africa against Italy Eventually sided with Germany and Austria Hungary in WWI…lost and the empire was no more

12 New leader-Mustafa Kemel (Ataturk) rebuilds the nation of Turkey

13 The Islamic Heartlands fell behind the West and were becoming surrounded Did not realize how far behind they were until Napoleon invaded Egypt and defeated the Mamluks at the Battle of the Pyramids

14 1801-Muhammad Ali takes control of Egypt and breaks from the Ottoman Empire (why important to Ottomans?) Rebuilt the army in Western style little effect on society

15 Died in 1848..Egypt Open to Western Control New Leaders..The kheldives British Influence-cotton Egypt Became a One-crop Economy Setting to British Poor…borrowed Heavily From Western Banks (Sound Familiar?)

16 1869-Suez Canal built …very important to the Europeans…particularly the British and the French

17 Some leaders felt they should get from the Europeans and they had given in the past (al- Afghani and Muhammad Abdul) Others felt that the Quran had to be followed literally and change was bad

18 Mahdist Revolt nomads of Sudanic plains had been fighting Egyptians and were angry at the Egyptian attempt to end the slave trade British now involved rebellion led by Muhammad Achmad fell to British military technology

19 Qing China Manchu had kept Chinese ways very conservative had opened China to trade and allowed international travel so new ideas getting into China merchants (compradors) getting wealthy new crops, ideas, money, silver

20 Problems exam system’t less well run military down because tax $ being funneled to rich families Public works down-flooding

21 General belief-Manchu would simply be replaced by another dynasty as had always happened but…changes were taking place that had never been there before

22 Thought of the Europeans as like the Mongols…but the Europeans were their equals and in many ways superior. British angry over inability to get Chinese to trade for western goods so stated importing opium

23 Chinese tried to stop the trade so the British invaded China…Opium War forced open trade…Hong Kong established

24 Taiping Rebellion-wanted social reforms, western education, land redistribution…failed Boxer Rebellion (Harmonious Fist)…drive Westerners from China…Western armies invaded China and put down the revolt

25 Secret societies began Get rid of the Manchu last emperor out in 1912 Sun Yat-sen…need the West

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