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Keying MLA Reports Modern Language Association

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Presentation on theme: "Keying MLA Reports Modern Language Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keying MLA Reports Modern Language Association
Follow the steps in these slides to format your report in proper MLA style.

2 Step 1: Save Your Document
Name and save your document to the correct location!

3 Step 2: Set Page Margins All margins (left, right, top and bottom) are set at 1”.

4 Step 3: Insert Header Information
Align your cursor to the right side of the page Insert your last name and page number Change your font to Times New Roman, size 12 Exit the header of your document Header Information

5 Step 4: Set your “Style” and Font/Size
Style: No Spacing Font: Times New Roman Size: 12

6 Step 5: Set Your Line Spacing
Change the line spacing to: 2.0 Set this before you begin typing anything below the header of your document!

7 Step 6: Key the Report Heading
Left align the following: Your Name Teacher’s Name Subject/Class Name Date – spell out! Report Heading

8 Step 7: Key the Report Title
Center align the title Use title case letters, but do not bold, underline or italicize *Title case is when the first letter of each word is capitalized Report Title

9 Step 8: Key the Body of the Report
Indent all paragraphs

10 Step 9: Key the Works Cited Page *THIS MUST BE KEYED ON ITS OWN PAGE!
Insert a page break to start a new page. References should be keyed in alphabetical order. Center align the title Use Title case letters, but do not bold, underline or italicize! Type all references evenly at the left margin. When you finish, create a hanging indent at the first line of each reference. (This means the second line of each reference will be indented.)

11 Example of Works Cited Page
Hanging Indent

12 Step 10: Before printing:
Run spelling and grammar check. Read your document for content and make sure you have not left anything out! Did you use proper spacing after punctuation marks including within the Works Cited? Go to Print Preview and look over your report. CHECK TWICE AND PRINT ONCE! Set the document print range. Print and then staple your pages in order.

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