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Introduction to the Bible Comunicación y Gerencia.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Bible Comunicación y Gerencia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Bible Comunicación y Gerencia

2 The Bible is divided into two main divisions The Old TestamentThe Old Testament The New TestamentThe New Testament

3 The Old Testament Also referred to as the Hebrew Scriptures Contains 46 books Divided into 4 sections: –The Pentateuch –The Historical Books –The Writings –The Books of the Prophets

4 The Torah First five books of the Bible : –Genesis –Exodus –Leviticus –Numbers –Deuteronomy

5 The Torah, continued TorahLawAlso referred to as the Torah or the Law In the Jewish faith, these five books are the most important and are handwritten in scrolls by scribes

6 The Apocrypha The Apocrypha is 7 books included in the Catholic Bible The word apocrypha means hidden in Greek

7 The Apocrypha, continued The seven books of the Apocrypha are: –Baruch –Judith –Maccabees 1 –Maccabees 2 –Sirach –Tobit –Wisdom

8 The New Testament Also referred to as the Christian Scriptures Contains 27 books Divided into 4 sections: –Gospels –Acts of the Apostles –The Letters –Book of Revelation

9 The Gospels This is the first section of the New Testament There are four Gospels: –Matthew –Mark –Luke –John

10 The Gospels, continued The Gospels tell us the story of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Matthew, Mark, and Luke are also called the synoptic Gospels The Gospels were written at different times and for different groups of people

11 Acts of the Apostles Written by the evangelist Luke Tells the story of the early church following the Ascension of Jesus

12 The Letters EpistlesAlso called the Epistles Many were written by Saint Paul Written to the early churches

13 Book of Revelation Last book of the Bible May have been written by the evangelist John Written using signs and symbols because of Roman persecution

14 Summary Slide The Old Testament The Torah The Apocrypha The Gospels Acts of the Apostles The Letters

15 Summary Slide (cont.) Book of Revelation

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