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11.3.10 Agenda. The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment and Revolution 1550 - 1789.

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Presentation on theme: "11.3.10 Agenda. The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment and Revolution 1550 - 1789."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.3.10 Agenda

2 The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment and Revolution 1550 - 1789

3 The Roots of Modern Science Drill - would you deny an idea you knew was true?

4 Section 1: The Scientific Revolution Homework – Just READ ch. 10, section 1 Pages 302 - 309 Chapter 10: Revolution and Enlightenment 1550 - 1789

5 The Medieval View The earth = center of universe Sun revolves around earth Geocentric idea came from Aristotle Christianity suggested that earth was the center of everything and God had intentionally made it that way

6 Geocentric Model Aristotle The Earth = Center of universe

7 Scientific Revolution New way of thinking about the natural world Sparked when Muslim scholarly work was translated during Middle Ages Renaissance and printing press helped spread ideas that were previously repressed by the church Scientists observed the world and started to challenge ancient beliefs

8 Revolutionary Model of Universe Copernicus Heliocentric version of Universe »

9 Heliocentric Theory Geocentric idea did NOT explain why the moon, sun and planets all moved Copernicus was the first one to think that everything revolved around the sun, not the earth Kepler came after Copernicus died, and used mathematical formulas to figure out planetary motion

10 Galileo’s Discoveries Each swing of a pendulum takes the same amount of time Falling objects move at a Fixed and predictable rate Published a book called Starry Messenger Described that the moon and stars are not smooth, rather rough and uneven

11 Conflicts with the Church Galileo went against church teachings and authorities Had to go in front of the Pope after he published the ideas of both Copernicus and Ptolemy – his ideas were against the church’s beliefs Galileo signed a confession in front of the court saying he denied Copernicus. The church and its cardinals threatened him with torture if he didn’t take back his ideas… so Galileo did. Alas, he was a bit of a wuss.

12 Galileo Not a great looking guy, but how smart was he? I would lie under oath to avoid torture. Wouldn’t you?

13 The Scientific Method Francis Bacon New approach to science Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas Bacon loved science and believed the more people learned of the world, the more people’s lives would be improved

14 Using your notes and only your notes, make FIVE questions that I can use on tomorrow’s quiz. This will be collected

15 More Scientific Revolution Bacon didn’t believe in anything without a reasonable experiment Empiricism = experimental method, that conclusions should only come from proof

16 Scientific Revolutionaries Decartes Used math and logic Came up with the idea “I think, therefore I am.” Isaac Newton Great English scientist Developed the theory of motion

17 The Law of Gravity The same force rules the planets, pendulums, Ms. Hooks’ wheelchair etc. Discovered the “law of universal gravitation” – every object in the universe attracts every other object, the degree depends on the mass and distance between them Compared universe to a complex clock and said God was the Great Clockmaker

18 The Scientific Revolution Spreads People invented microscopes and figured out how to read temperature Figured out a lot about the human body, too Boyle = science guy who figured out Boyle’s law Robert Boyle

19 More discoveries Another guy figured out how to separate pure gas from air: gas oxygen Orderly, rational and industrious people – saw themselves as “enlightened” Leads us into the Enlightenment…

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