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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
Chapter 10, Section 1

2 Background to Revolution
Scientists in the Middle Ages were known as “natural philosophers” Relied on few authorities for knowledge Did not really study the world around them Renaissance and humanist movements change this Focus on Greek and Latin opens studies of individuals like Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Plato New inventions Telescopes, microscopes, printing press, new calculation tools

3 Astronomy The Ptolemaic system Ptolemy (AD 90 -168)
Stated the solar system was geocentric, or revolved around the Earth 10 spheres made of a transparent substance made planets and stars rotate around Earth in circular orbits Heaven and God were beyond the 10th sphere

4 Astronomy Cont’d Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)
Published On Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Argued the solar system to be heliocentric, or sun-centered All planets in our solar system rotate around the sun, moon rotates around Earth Johannes Kepler ( ) Used mathematics to prove Copernicus’ theories Also showed orbits of planets to be egg-shaped, not circular

5 Astronomy Cont’d Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642)
Used the telescope to make observations of other planets Publishes The Starry Messenger in 1610 Argued that heavenly bodies (planets and stars) were made of material, not light Theories went against Church teachings & the idea that everything outside of orbit was spiritual His works were actually banned, and he was found guilty of being a heretic Sentenced to house arrest in 1632, would remain under arrest for the rest of his life

6 Astronomy Cont’d Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727)
Defined the three laws of motion in his book Principia Developed the universal law of gravitation Every object in the universe is attracted to every other object in the universe by gravity Showed that math could explain all motion in the universe

7 Medicine Middle Ages: Scientific Revolution: Galen (130 – 200 AD)
Dissected animals to try to determine how the human body works Scientific Revolution: Andreas Vesalius ( ) Dissected human bodies at the University of Padua to determine how they worked William Harvey (1578 – 1657) Showed the workings of the circulatory system Argued the heart as the beginning of blood flow Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691) Used controlled experiments to determine properties of gasses

8 Women and Modern Science
Margaret Cavendish (1623 – 1673) Said humans were not masters of nature, but only a small part Maria Winkelmann (1670 – 1720) One of the foremost authorities on astronomy Discovered planetary bodies like comets

9 Descartes and Reason Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
Discourse on Method written in 1637 Looked at the individual and their importance “I think, therefore I am” Known as the father of rationalism Reason is the chief source of knowledge

10 The Scientific Method Scientific method is a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence Developed by Francis Bacon Bacon also said scientists should use inductive reasoning Systematic observations and carefully organized experiments that test hypotheses Bacon said that this method could be used to control and dominate nature

11 Exit Slip What factors led to the Scientific Revolution?
How did Ptolemy and Nicholas Copernicus differ in their views of the solar system? Cavendish vs Bacon – Do you think mankind can control nature? Will mankind ever be able to control nature? Explain your answer.

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