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Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where I have “Question” should be the student’s response. To enter your questions and answers, click once on the text on the slide, then highlight and just type over what’s there to replace it. If you hit Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text box disappear. When clicking on the slide to move to the next appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to the right location.)

3 Do You Know the Questions and Answers? Click to begin.

4 Click here for Final Jeopardy

5 Sound Language Analysis Sound and Form Analysis 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points FormLanguage

6 Giving nonhuman things human characteristics

7 What is personification?

8 A comparison between two seeming different things that uses like, as, than, or resembles.

9 What is a simile?

10 A play on words.

11 What is a pun?

12 A common expression that cannot be translated literally.

13 What is an idiom?

14 When expectation differs from reality, when an audience knows something that a character does not know, or when a person says one thing but means another.

15 What is irony?

16 Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words located near each other in poetry.

17 What is alliteration?

18 A word that imitates a sound.

19 What is an onomatopoeia?

20 When two or more words have the same or similar ending vowel and consonant sounds.

21 What is rhyme?

22 The pattern of end rhymes in lines of poetry.

23 What is rhyme scheme?

24 When two words look like they should rhyme but do not sound like they rhyme.

25 What is an eye rhyme?

26 A 5 line poem with an aabba rhyme scheme that is entertaining.

27 What is a limerick?

28 A 3 line, 17 syllable Japanese poem.

29 What is a haiku?

30 A poem lamenting the loss of someone or something.

31 What is an elegy?

32 A 14 line poem written in ababcdcdefefgg rhyme scheme and is often about love.

33 What is a sonnet?

34 A poem written to be sung, usually rather long, usually rather lofty in feeling, usually dignified.

35 What is an ode?

36 You’ll never put a better bit of butter on your bread.

37 What is alliteration?

38 Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?

39 What is a simile?

40 Men's words are bullets, that their enemies take up and make use of against them.

41 What is a metaphor?

42 Dad is finally out of patience with picking up after his son, who can't seem to be trained to put his dirty clothes in the hamper; therefore, Dad says, "Would your majesty please let me know when it pleases him to have his humble servant pick up after him.”

43 What is irony?

44 Archeologist: A man whose career lies in ruins.

45 What is a pun?

46 What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night!

47 What are onomatopoeias?

48 “Love” and “move” would be an example of this.

49 What is eye rhyme?

50 “Curving up, then down. Meeting blue sky and green earth Melding sun and rain.” is an example of this

51 What is a haiku?

52 “There was a Dalmatian named Spot, Dalmatians get named that a lot, Though would answer instead, To Rover or Fred, But mostly she liked the name Dot.” is an example of this.

53 What is a limerick?

54 “Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem.” is an example of this rhyme scheme.

55 What is abab?

56 Make your wager

57 Poetry that lacks a rhyme scheme or a rhythm.

58 What is free verse?

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