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2 What is a Tree? A tree is a large, woody plant that has a single, sturdy stem, or trunk, and that grows taller than most other plants.

3 What About Shrubs & Bushes?
Shrubs and bushes are much smaller and have several stems instead of a single trunk.


5 Basic Parts of a Tree Crown Trunk Root System
Gathers sunlight, makes food for growth, helps filter air, produces oxygen. Supports crown, carries water and nutrients to crown, carries food back to roots. Anchors tree, collects water and nutrients from soil, helps hold soil in place.

6 CROWN Leaves breathing pores solar panels
Takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during photosynthesis. solar panels Takes in light energy and heat in order for photosynthesis to occur.

7 TRUNK Inner Bark Cambium Sapwood Phloem (arteries)
Carries food from the leaves down to the stem and roots. Cambium Phloem & xylem cells are made in this single cell layer. Sapwood Xylem (veins) Transports water, minerals and food upward from the roots to the leaves and horizontally across the stem.

8 ROOTS Root Tips & Hairs absorb water and minerals from the soil that are used in photosynthesis

9 Classifying Trees Angiosperm Deciduous (hardwood) Gymnosperm
angeion – “case” sperma – “seed” Deciduous (hardwood) Flowering Trees wide, flat leaves fall off in autumn Gymnosperm gymnos – “naked” sperma – “seed” Coniferous (softwood) Cone-bearing Trees needle-like leaves scale-like leaves most stay green all year

10 How Old is That Tree? Every year a tree’s trunk grows wider, and each year’s growth appears as a ring. The approximate age of the tree can be determined by counting the annual growth rings. Springwood – wider, lighter part of the ring made up of cells that are added in the spring, when the tree grows rapidly. Summerwood – thinner, darker part of the ring formed during the rest of the year, when the tree grows more slowly.

11 Counting Growth Rings Start at the center ring (first year of growth) and count outward towards the bark. Close rings Slow growth Dry year Limited water Wider bands Faster growth Wetter year Optimal growing conditions

12 The Value of Trees Can you identify 4 reasons why trees should be valued as one of our most important natural resources? Recreational use Filters air Habitats for wildlife Products and by-products

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