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The Water Cycle Credits Presentation: Arlette Bujanda

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Cycle Credits Presentation: Arlette Bujanda"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Cycle Credits Presentation: Arlette Bujanda
Notes: Jessica Fong Information source: CERM Environmental Summer Camp Handbook 2008

2 It’s what makes life possible on Earth
WATER It’s what makes life possible on Earth Water is the material that makes life possible in our planet. All living things are partially composed of water and their bodies need water to survive. Moreover, water plays an important role in determining climate and the kinds of organisms that will be part of the ecosystem.

3 Water Cycle Condensation Evaporation Precipitation Infiltration
The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above and below the Earth. It does not have a beginning or and end. Precipitation Infiltration

4 Evaporation The sun heats up water and turns it into vapor or steam; and goes into the air. Transpiration (Plants) Water evaporates from wet surfaces such as the oceans (more than two thirds of the Earth's surface), but also from rivers, lakes and falling rain and snow. It also arises from evapotranspiration from vegetation and in small amounts, from the combustion of fossil fuels and from the depths of the Earth in volcanic gases. Although the oceans hold 97% of Earth's water, air is never completely dry. Even in the mid-Sahara there is water vapor in the air. It contains varying levels of water vapor; the most important gas as far as weather is concerned. Humidity is the measure of the amount of water vapor in the air.

5 Condensation Water vapor in the air gets cold and forms clouds.
When air rises it cools to a point where it can no longer hold its water vapor. The vapor condenses in the form of tiny droplets forming clouds.

6 Precipitation When water has condensed and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. Clouds can release the water as precipitation - rain, snow, hail, dew, frost. Precipitation falling over the glaciers is locked there in the form of ice. However, most precipitation falling on land travels back to the sea via stream, lakes, rivers, plants.

7 Infiltration Water is absorbed by the soil and travels downward through it until it hits an impermeable rock layer. Some precipitation will be infiltrated through the soil and porous rock to be stored in underground water deposits called aquifers. This underground water flows to meet rivers and lakes, or comes out in springs. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff and infiltration are part of the cycle of water, a process that has been happening over millions of years.

8 The Water Cycle Song Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration on my mind, It is called the water cycle and it happens all the time!!! Learn the “Water Cycle Song” It will help you remember the steps of the water cycle. It is fun, too !!! Make a boys versus girls contest to see who learns it faster, or who sings with more enthusiasm.

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