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The Water Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Cycle

2 The water cycle is made up of a few main parts.
This is how the water cycle works. The water cycle is made up of a few main parts. Condensation Precipitation Evaporation Collection

3 When the sun comes up in the morning it begins to heat water in lakes, ponds, rivers, and oceans throughout the world.

4 When the sun heats up the water it changes into vapors or steam
When the sun heats up the water it changes into vapors or steam. This is called evaporation.

5 When water vapor gets cold it changes to form clouds.

6 When water condenses the clouds get heavy
When water condenses the clouds get heavy. If the clouds get too heavy the water falls back to the earth. This is called precipitation.

7 How does water fall back to the earth?
Water can fall to earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail.

8 After the water falls back to the earth it is collected.
Collection After the water falls back to the earth it is collected.

9 If water falls on land it becomes a part of the “ground water”
If water falls on land it becomes a part of the “ground water”. Plants and animals drink from “ground water”.

10 When rain falls, it can make a puddle. The water cycle starts over.

11 When it falls back into lakes, rivers, or oceans the water cycle starts over.

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