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Goals for the second evening  increasing understanding of importance of lifestyle change  autogenics: neck/shoulder focus & responding to “mental chatter”

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for the second evening  increasing understanding of importance of lifestyle change  autogenics: neck/shoulder focus & responding to “mental chatter”"— Presentation transcript:

1 goals for the second evening  increasing understanding of importance of lifestyle change  autogenics: neck/shoulder focus & responding to “mental chatter”  exercise: stamina point charting, variety, walking, pedometer use  diet: chart portions of fruit & vegetables eaten daily – 5 to 9?  specific personal intentions & developing group support

2 assumptions & rules of the journey  skills learning  active involvement  support  confidentiality

3 main components of the journey  basic skills: exercise, diet, weight, alcohol, smoking, sleep  meditation: autogenic training, applied relaxation, visualisation, mindfulness, compassion  wellbeing: positive emotions, self-determination, happiness  relationships, emotional intelligence, social networks

4 first four sessions of the course  autogenic training  physical exercise  diet  weight  motivation  self-determination  goal setting  stages of change

5 do you want to be 14 yrs younger?  20,224 UK adults  aged 45 to 79  no initial cancer/CHD  health behaviours rated  not smoking  physically active  at least 5 fruit & veg daily  1-14 alcohol units weekly Khaw k-t, et al. “Combined impact of health behavours …” PLoS Med 2008;5(1):e12

6 stamina points & fruit/veg portions  walking intensity & value of pedometers  US guidelines 150 to 300 plus “moderate exercise” minutes  value of flexibility, accessibility, enjoyment  see fruit & veg handout – begin counting

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