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Chapter 9 Manifest Destiny.

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1 Chapter 9 Manifest Destiny

2 1. Migrating to the West Trace the settlement and development of the West. Explain the concept of Manifest Destiny. Describe the causes and challenges of westward migration. Explain the causes and effects of the Mexican War.

3 Southwest Southwest had been settled by Spain in the 1500’s
Catholic missions; Mexico gained independence from Spain Land is attractive to Americans Came at expense of Indians and Mexicans

4 Westward Movement Expansionists – people who favored territorial growth Manifest Destiny – expansion west Trade with Mexico Santa Fe Trail Traded horses, mules, fur, silver for manufactured goods Others went through Rockies – Mountain Men – California Trail (to northern California) Oregon Trail branched off into Oregon



7 Westward Movement cont.
Wagon trains journey west Pulled by oxen; traveled in large groups Dangers - hunger, exposure, disease Donner party in Sierra Nevada Mormon leader, Brigham Young (Joseph Smith had been killed) settles around the Great Salt Lake (later Utah) Conflicts w/Indians


9 2. Texas & Mexican War Texas was a Mexican province
Americans migrate to Texas – cheap, fertile land in exchange for being Mexican citizens, Catholics, no slavery Stephen Austin leads settlers Tensions grow – Americans didn’t keep bargain

10 Texas cont. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana seized power and wants greater autonomy over Texas 1835 – Texans revolt; create Lone Star Republic Mexican army attacked garrison at the Alamo; overran fort and massacred all prisoners (Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie); second attack at Goliad Enraged Americans – “Remember the Alamo!” Sam Houston rallied Texans and crushed Mexican army at Battle of San Jacinto Texan independence but border troubles


12 Mexican War Sam Houston – president of Texas; asked U.S. to annex Texas Congress didn’t want a big new slave state James K. Polk becomes U.S. President (Democrat) favored annexation, expansion Northerners would accept Texas if they got something Compromise w/Britain – they got British Columbia, U.S. got Oregon, Washington, Idaho

13 Mexican War cont. Texas annexed but U.S. wants border extended to Rio Grande River U.S. had many advantages – technology, greater population, industry, better trained military Some famous names – General Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses Grant, William T. Sherman U.S. wins every major battle & the war

14 3. Effects of Expansion & War
Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo U.S. gains tremendous territory in Southwest Mexican Cession – Manifest Destiny achieved Gadsden Purchase (from Mexico) gives us more land Wilmot Proviso – ban slavery in all new territories from Mexico** Divides Congress



17 Gold Rush 1848 – John Sutter’s mill – gold discovered!
Forty-niners flock to California California Gold Rush Tough conditions, competition, dangerous (no rule of law) California applies for statehood as a free state Tips the balance from 15/15 – shows the effects of westward expansion on tensions over slavery


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