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Date Change in constitution Key terms 494 Creation of plebeian tribunes secessio; tribuni plebis 471 Creation of plebeian assembly concilium plebis; plebiscita.

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Presentation on theme: "Date Change in constitution Key terms 494 Creation of plebeian tribunes secessio; tribuni plebis 471 Creation of plebeian assembly concilium plebis; plebiscita."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date Change in constitution Key terms 494 Creation of plebeian tribunes secessio; tribuni plebis 471 Creation of plebeian assembly concilium plebis; plebiscita 451-50 Codification of law (12 Tables) decemviri 449 Plebeian tribunes become inviolable Lex Valeria Horatia; sacrosanctitas 445 Intermarriage legalized conubium; Lex Canuleia

2 370s Anarchy: no magistrates with consular imperium 367 Plebeians eligible for consulship Military tribunes with consular power abolished Lex Licinia Sextia by 342 One consul must be plebeian ca. 330 Plebeians eligible for all offices Senate now a body of patricians and plebeians 326 Debt-slavery abolished nexum 312 Censor Appius Claudius fails to open Senate to proletarii fails to open Senate to proletarii builds Rome’s first road (to Campania): Via Appia builds Rome’s first road (to Campania): Via Appia builds Rome’s first aqueduct: Aqua Appia builds Rome’s first aqueduct: Aqua Appia

3 300 Plebeians eligible for all priesthoods Lex Ogulnia Right of appeal (provocatio) of capital punishment verdicts Lex Valeria 287 Last secessio: Quintus Hortensius  dictator Plebiscita binding on all

4 What did all of this mean for the magistrates? What did all of this mean for the assemblies? What did all of this mean for Rome?

5 Impact on assemblies & magistrates Plebeian assembly elects plebeian tribunes and aediles & becomes the venue for prosecution of magistrates by a plebeian tribune Centuriate assembly elects consuls, praetors, censors; becomes main legislative body Curiate assembly loses all power and rubber stamps conferral of imperium on consuls and praetors Tribal assembly elects curule aediles and quaestors Plebeian tribunes can veto any decision taken by the Senate

6 Impact on Rome: after 200+ years of agitation … plebeians gain full representation in state affairs plebeians gain full access to magistracies and organs of power distinctions between plebeians and patricians disappear new oligarchy formed: the well-to-do and not the well-born

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