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THE QIN DYNASTY 221-206 B.C I can explain how Shi Huangdi united China while ruling the Qin Dynasty. At the end of the Zhou period, several states were.

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Presentation on theme: "THE QIN DYNASTY 221-206 B.C I can explain how Shi Huangdi united China while ruling the Qin Dynasty. At the end of the Zhou period, several states were."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE QIN DYNASTY B.C I can explain how Shi Huangdi united China while ruling the Qin Dynasty. At the end of the Zhou period, several states were still at war. As you recall, the Chinese believed in the Mandate of Heaven. According to that belief, wars and other troubles were a sign that the ruling dynasty had lost heaven’s favor. A new ruler was needed.

2 The Qin Unified China The new ruler of China came from the Qin. The new emperor took the name Shi Huangdi. He would unify and expand China. In 221 B.C., Qin ruler Shi Huangdi began ending internal battles between warring states. He then conquered rival states and drove out nomadic invaders. China grew larger than it had been under the Zhou. Shi Huangdi believed in the Legalist way of running the country. He tried to wipe out Confucian teachings. He had 460 critics and Confucianists killed. He also ordered the burning of books that contained ideas he disliked.

3 UNITING CHINA Shi Huangdi wanted a strong central government. To gain personal control of the government, he set out to weaken the noble families. He took land away from defeated nobles. Shi Haungdi also forced the nobles to live at the capital so he could watch them. Shi Huangdi set out to unite the lands under his control. To link the lands together, he built highways and irrigation projects. He forced peasants to work on these projects and set high taxes to pay for them. He also set government standards for weights, measures, coins, and writing. These made it easier to trade and do business everywhere in China.

4 THE GREAT WALL Shi Huangdi planned to build a long wall along China’s northern borders to keep out invaders. He forced hundreds of thousands of peasants and criminals to build it. Many workers died from hard labor. The deaths caused great resentment among the people. The first Great Wall linked smaller walls that had been built during the Time of the Warring States. The earliest walls were built of earth. Later stone and brick were used. The Great Wall has been built and extended many times.

5 THE QIN DYNASTY ENDS Shi Huangdi died in 210 B.C. He was buried in an elaborate tomb. Near his tomb, an army of terra cotta (baked clay) soldiers was buried. Archaeologists discovered the soldiers in 1974.

It’s 2,180,000 square meters in size is larger that Egypt’s great pyramid. Over 700,000 people worked on the tomb. 8,000 warriors 130 chariots 520 horses 150 cavalry horses Other non- military figures such as musicians, acrobats and government officials are also found there. Each figure is made life sized and each is completely different from the next.

Shi Huangdi called himself the first emperor of China People living in China at the time would be put to death without trial for simply suggesting that the government might be improved. The Emperor divided China into 36 provinces, and each province was divided into districts. To make sure everyone did their job, the Emperor set up a spy system around China. “A thousand may die so that a million may live.” This was a quote from Shi Huangdi, who did not see himself as a cruel ruler. During his reign, there were no rebellions in China. After his death in 210 B.C., his son took over but did not rule for long. People began revolting against the Qin all over the country. The peasant who led the revolt became the new emperor. His dynasty was called the Han Dynasty. Life vastly improved during this time.

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