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Emile Durkheim (1858-1917).

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Presentation on theme: "Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emile Durkheim ( )

2 Personal Information Born April 1858 Jewish section of Epinal, France
Family: Close-knit Not wealthy but respected Hey Hey Durkheim Functionalism

3 Personal Information 1887 first faculty appointment
1st Sociology course Chair: Dept. of Social Sciences (University of Bordeaux) Married, 2 children (Son, Andre died in WWI) Died at 59

4 Social Environment Rapid industrialization
Conflict: Workers and Owners Paris Commune (1871) Workers seized Paris Established egalitarian republic Government destroyed commune Killed 20,000 working-class people

5 Social Environment: France
History of Political Instability Monarchy of Louis XVI French Revolution (1789) Dictatorship of Napoleon I ( ) Restoration of Bourbon monarchy Bourbons overthrown (1830)

6 Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette

7 Napoleon I

8 History of Political Instability
Monarchy of Louis Philippe Revolution ended monarchy (1848) 2nd Republic ( ) Emperor Napoleon III ( ) Nephew of Napoleon I Deposed after defeat in Franco-Prussian War

9 Louis Philippe

10 Napoleon III (Nephew of Napoleon I)

11 History of Political Instability
Durkheim lived in 3rd Republic People had lost moral unity Remnants of previous governments People supported: Democracy Monarchy Socialism

12 Durkheim’s 3 Basic Concerns
1) Instability Economic Political 2) Violence Workers & employers Between nations Anti-Semitism 3) Decadence Self-centered No sense of community

13 Sociology the Solution
Purpose of Sociology=Explain how to make modern society work Develop positivist laws Solve problems Address moral crises Create stability

14 Morality Discipline Attachment Autonomy
Morality composed of three elements: Discipline (Constrains egoistic impulses) Attachment (Voluntarily join groups) Autonomy (Individual responsibility)

15 Sources of Morality Education Occupational associations
Provides children with moral tools Occupational associations Adults acquire morals

16 Intellectual Influences
Kant Morality without divinity Sense of duty Saint-Simon Sociology->Moral laws Hold society together

17 Intellectual Influences
Comte Focus: Social stability & change Spencer Social evolution

18 Ideas Dynamic Density Social Facts Collective Consciousness
Social Solidarity Dynamic Density Social Facts Collective Consciousness Collective Representations Social Currents Society as a distinct social reality Individual as Dualistic

19 Social Solidarity A set of norms, values, and morals that hold a certain group of people together “The ties that bind” Social context: Growing individualism Social dislocation Moral diversification

20 Social Solidarity 1) Mechanical Solidarity Non-industrial societies
Minimal division of labor Few occupations Similarity bound people together

21 Social Solidarity 2) Organic Solidarity
More advanced societies (industrial) Increased division of labor Many occupations Difference and Interdependency create solidarity

22 Social Facts “Ways of acting, thinking, & feeling, external to the individual & endowed with the power of coercion, by reason of which they control him.” Independent of any single individual Only explained by other social facts

23 Social Facts-3 General Types
1. Material facts Social structures Economy, Family, Social class Morphological Facts Form and Structure Population size and density Geographical location

24 Social Facts (cont.) 2. Nonmaterial facts Norms Values
Collective representations Collective consciousness

25 Social Facts (cont.) 3. Social currents Not as clearly formed
Examples: Enthusiasm in crowds Indignation in crowds Depression in particular social groups

26 Collective Consciousness
Totality of beliefs & sentiments common to the average member of society Exists before individuals Survives individuals

27 Collective Consciousness (cont.)
Experienced as external force Shapes behavior Varies from society to society Based on division of labor

28 Collective Consciousness 4 dimensions
1. Volume=Number of people involved 2. Intensity=How deeply people feel about the belief 3. Rigidity=Clarity of the definition 4. Content=Form collective consciousness takes

29 4 Dimensions Marriage in Feudal Societies (Mechanical Societies)
Volume=Most people involved Intensity=Felt deeply about it Rigidity=Clearly defined Content=Religious & economic

30 4 Dimensions Marriage Today (Organic Society)
Volume=Large # but smaller % of population Intensity=Feel less deeply Rigidity=Less clearly defined Content=Personal choice

31 Society & Social Reality
Society as a distinct form of social reality Cannot be reduced to biology or psychology Society is not the mere sum of its parts

32 Individual as Dualistic
Individual part and Social part Individual part Bioorganic Inborn Self-centered

33 Individual as Dualistic
Social Part Develops through interaction Socialization Altruistic Group oriented Needs nurturing & developing

34 Anomie Norms (expectations for behavior) are: Confused Unclear or
Not present Normlessness

35 Anomie Modern individuals insufficiently integrated into society ->
Weakening bonds Social regulation breaks down Societal control on individual desires & interests is ineffective Individuals on their own

36 Anomie Human’s dual nature-> Breakdown of morals
Rising rates of deviance Social unrest Unhappiness Stress

37 Research Suicide rates are social facts 4 types of suicide: Egoistic
Altruistic Anomic Fatalistic

38 Research on Suicide Durkheim defined suicide as:
“death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result.”

39 Egoistic Suicide Low social integration Group solidarity declined
Individual must depend on self Excessive individualism Vulnerable groups: Urban dwellers Industrial workers Protestants Unmarried men

40 Altruistic Suicide High social integration
Excessive integration into group Completely absorbed by group Duty to commit suicide for group Examples: Observed more in less “civilized” societies One group in modern society—Army

41 Anomic Suicide Low social regulation Breakdown of moral community
No rules or vague rules Examples: Adolescents Older white men

42 Fatalistic Suicide Excessive social regulation Too tightly controlled
Few choices Examples: Slaves Very young husbands Married women--when divorce is not available

43 Contribution to Sociology
Institutionalized Sociology Taught first class Defined sociology’s area of research Research illustrated sociology’s usefulness

44 Contribution to Sociology
Set the standard for research style & presentation Literature review Theoretical context Testable hypotheses Use of statistics Implications of findings

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