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STUDENT MANAGEMENT During discussion, please take notes on ideas that you can use and share them at the end of this lesson. 1 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT MANAGEMENT During discussion, please take notes on ideas that you can use and share them at the end of this lesson. 1 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT MANAGEMENT During discussion, please take notes on ideas that you can use and share them at the end of this lesson. 1 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

2 Student Management Styles 1. Permissive. 2. Authoritarian. 3. Effective. 2 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

3 Student Management Styles DEFINITION: Permissive—deficient in firmness and control; indulgent, lax. 3 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

4 Student Management Styles PERMISSIVE DRIVER: –Lacks confidence. –Allows misbehavior. –Non-effective disciplinarian. –Frustrated/Overwhelmed. –No positive feedback. 4 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

5 Student Management Styles DEFINITION: Authoritarian—Expecting unquestioning obedience; likened to a dictator in severity. 5 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

6 Student Management Styles AUTHORITARIAN DRIVER: –Needs to control. –Sarcasm/ridicule. –Feels superior to students. –Expectations too high. –Demands unearned respect. 6 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

7 Student Management Styles DEFINITION: Effective—Producing a decided, decisive or desired effect; ready for service or action. 7 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

8 Student Management Styles EFFECTIVE DRIVER: –Confident. –Calm. –Firm/fair/consistent. –Clear expectations. –Encourages the positive. 8 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

9 Student Management Styles EFFECTIVE DRIVERS—use a systematic plan including, –Positive Feedback. –Intervention Skills. –Clear Expectations. –Clear Consequences. 9 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

10 THE POWER OF BEING POSITIVE 10 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

11 The Power Of Being Positive 1.Know your student’s names. 2.Catch student doing something right. 3.Share good news. 4.Use encouragement. 11 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

12 BUS DRIVER’S TOOL KIT 12 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

13 Bus Driver’s Tool Kit INTERVENTION TOOLS: 1.Make contact by noticing. 2.Use open-ended questions. 3.Allow student to problem solve. 13 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

14 Bus Driver’s Tool Kit DIRECTIONAL TOOLS: 1.Polite Statement. 2.State Expectation. 3.State Consequence. 4.State Consequences for Negative Choices. Positive Choices. 5.Follow Through. 14 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

15 Bus Driver’s Tool Kit COMPLIANCE TOOLS: 1.Broken record. 2.Echo method. 15 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

16 Expectations 1.Stick to the basics. 2.Use a few rules, easy to understand. 3.Make directions easy to follow. 4.Go over what you expect regularly. 16 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

17 Consequences Immediate. Boring or unpleasant. Mild as possible. Geared to misbehavior. Progressive. 17 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

18 Documentation 1.Describe student behavior. 2.State safety concern for the student. 3.Describe affect of behavior on all passengers onboard. 4.Use facts, not comments, or opinions. 18 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

19 Student Behavior Plan 1.Positive feedback. 2.Intervention tools. 3.Expectations. 4.Consequences. 19 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

20 YOUR TOOL KIT What do you think were the most valuable ideas discussed today? 20 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

21 Summary Use Effective Student Management Style. Be Positive. Use your Tool Kit of Effective Skills. Make Expectations clear and safety related. Use appropriate Consequences. Document disciplinary issues and steps. 21 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

22 Evaluation 1.Name three student management styles. 2.Name four ways to be positive. 3.Name three types of tools that can be used by bus drivers. 4.Name the four parts of a successful driver’s behavior plan. 22 2010–11 Driver Trainer Inservice

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