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1 Spreading the Light Lesson 25 Syria, China, India, Ireland, Scotland, England, and Europe.

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1 1 Spreading the Light Lesson 25 Syria, China, India, Ireland, Scotland, England, and Europe

2 2 Syria

3 3 The lesson mentions the spread of Christianity to Syria and mentions the scholar, Lucian, in particular. Lucian was martyred for his faith because his beliefs differed from that of the Roman Catholic Church. The lesson states that he preserved the New Testament scriptures from being contaminated with error, but this belief is challenged by some. We have insufficient historical information to be sure.

4 4 China

5 5 The stone monument uncovered near Chang-An is nine feet tall and speaks of a “Luminous Religion.” The monument also says: “This religion, so perfect and so excellent, is difficult to name, but it enlightens darkness by its brilliant precepts.” The inscription is written in both Chinese and Syriac. These Christians were Sabbath- keepers.

6 6 India

7 7 The apostle of Jesus, Thomas, preached the gospel in India. Thomas was later killed by Brahmin priests, and the Christians in India were afterward called heretics by and were persecuted by the Catholic priests when they arrived in India. They destroyed the Christian churches and tried to get the Christians to worship idols, but they refused.

8 8 Ireland

9 9 Church window depicting Patrick

10 10 Scotland and England

11 11 Columba attended 3 of Patrick’s schools and then started his own in Scotland. He was an expert in hand-copying manuscripts of the Bible. It is said he started 300 churches in Ireland.

12 12 Europe

13 13 Columbanus joined Columba in Scotland, but then went to France, Germany, Switzerland, and Bobbio in northern Italy to work for God.

14 14 So we have three missionaries that did much to start Christian churches in Ireland, Scotland and Europe: Patrick in Ireland Columba in Ireland and then Scotland And Columbanus first in Ireland; then in Iona with Columba; then to France, Germany, Switzerland, and northern Italy

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