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Finals Prep First semester AP Lang. Rhetorical Analysis - Outline Introduction: Hook/ Speaker, Medium, Subject, Audience Purpose (text example) Thesis:

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Presentation on theme: "Finals Prep First semester AP Lang. Rhetorical Analysis - Outline Introduction: Hook/ Speaker, Medium, Subject, Audience Purpose (text example) Thesis:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finals Prep First semester AP Lang

2 Rhetorical Analysis - Outline Introduction: Hook/ Speaker, Medium, Subject, Audience Purpose (text example) Thesis: Tone, Strategies (Use an Action Verb) Body One: Either Tone (strategies supports this tone) OR Main Strategy #1 Body Two: Shift in Tone (strategies supports this tone) OR Main Strategy #2 Body Three: Main Strategy #3 Conclusion: Summary of Main Strategies. End With Universal Truth Revealed in Writing.

3 Strategies TONE: KNOW YOUR WORDS Style/ Structure Strategies: Poetic Devices, Allusion, Irony, Repetition (anaphora), Parallel Structures, Rhetorical Question, Satire, etc. - No Where’s Waldo: WHAT IS THE EFFECT! APPEALS: Know how to construct BOTH parts: Logical Appeal: :Proof, appeals to reason. Ethical Appeal: Speaker adopts a Persona, Uses persona to appeal to the GOOD in audience Emotional Appeal: Speaker prepares the audience to be in a certain mood, Evokes a feeling Appeals are GREAT because if you do them correct, BOLD IS THE EFFECT

4 Rhetorical Analysis Construction Body Paragraphs: Claim (never start with quote) either TONE or Main Strategy Data: Fillet of quote (3-5 words) /the rest is paraphrase Commentary: EFFECT ON AUDIENCE Most Important: 1.What is the effect of the strategy on the audience 2.At least three! 3.Don’t over quote! Fillet…

5 Argumentative Outline Introduction: Hook, Thesis: MAKE AN ASSERTION BODY ONE: Turn thesis into a Claim backed by Reasons Reason One: GOPHER with Credibility/ Commentary Reason Two: GOPHER with Importance/What’s at Stake/ Commentary Reason Three: GOPHER where you make an APPEAL (logic, emotion, ethics) Body Two: Counter argument OR Concession GOPHER for Claim Argumentative MOVE GOPHER for Argumentative Move (Be Specific) Conclusion: HUGE! Bring out the Universal Truth in your position!

6 Argumentative Construction Never start a paragraph with a GOPHER unless it is the Hook/Introduction 1. THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE: BE SPECIFIC IN YOUR GOPHERS!!!! 2. Number two: Connect your Gopher to your CLAIM. Why does the GOPHER make you Right? 3. Number three: Conclusion: Write your way into an 8 or 9 by providing a Universal Truth (underlying or implied message to your Thesis).

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