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Sarah Alhoshan Mohamad Bukhary Elizabeth Klancher Lindsey Sykora.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Alhoshan Mohamad Bukhary Elizabeth Klancher Lindsey Sykora."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Alhoshan Mohamad Bukhary Elizabeth Klancher Lindsey Sykora

2 Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups through which students work together to maximize their own and each others learning. In classrooms where collaboration is practiced, students pursue learning in groups of varying size: negotiating, initiating, planning and evaluating together. Rather than working as individuals in competition with every other individual in the classroom, students are given the responsibility of creating a learning community where all students Participate in significant and meaningful ways. Cooperative learning requires that students work together to achieve goals which they could not achieve individually. What is Cooperative Learning?

3 Cognitive Development Higher comprehension and retention levels Fosters critical thinking Social-Emotional development Enhances Interpersonal Skills Increases academic satisfaction Builds Personal Responsibility (Tsay and Brady, 2010) Advantages of Cooperative Learning

4  Effective groups must be small in size  The logistics of facilitating face to face group collaboration can be difficult  Time management issues often arise ◦ Online Software can be used to facilitate logistical conflicts of group communication and time management concerns (Huang, et. al., 2012) Limitations

5  Technology ◦ Media  Podcast, video, PowerPoint presentations ◦ Group presentations  Problem-solving skills  Teamwork Integration in the Classroom

6 Integration in the Classroom, cont. Cooperative integrated teaching methods are beneficial for all types of learners, including students with learning disabilities or mental disorders. -Technology can help facilitate cooperative differentiated instruction based upon each individual students ability and speed through software built to meet the needs of each student.

7 Class project: Language Arts/ Social Studies Pen Pal Project Class broken down into groups of 3-4. Each group will be assigned a country to find a pen pal in. They will need to make accounts on Students will brain storm about what to include in their pen pal letter. Teacher assigns pen pals for each student using a pen pal website. Students are given pen pals based on their level of literacy comprehension Students will get in groups to edit their letters in a collective collaborative process wherein students of all abilities could guide one another through the editing process. Examples:

8 Pen pal website

9 Resources Bauwens, J., Hourcade, J. J., & Friend, M. (1989). Cooperative Teaching: A Model For General And Special Education Integration. Remedial and Special Education, 10(2), 17-22. Holubec, E., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T., (1994). Chapter 7. Integrated Use of Cooperative Learning in the Classroom. The new circles of learning cooperation in the classroom and school. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Huang, M., Hsiao, W., Chang, T., Hu, M.(2012) Design and Implementation of a Cooperative Learning System for Digital Content Design Curriculum: Investigation on Learning Effectiveness and Social Presence. The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology. 11 Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. Introduction to Cooperative Learning. Prince George's County Public Schools. A Guide to Cooperative Learning. Tsay M, and Brady M. (2010) A Case Study of Cooperative Learning and Communication Pedagogy: Does Working in Teams Make a Difference? Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10

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