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Are you ready to PLAY…. Jeopardy ???? Nature Bowl Edition.

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2 Are you ready to PLAY…. Jeopardy ???? Nature Bowl Edition

3 Native Species Glossary terms Exotics Salmon Energy 100 200 300 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY! Troubled Species FINALJEOPARDYFINALJEOPARDY

4 Native Species - 100 Black and White Bird Endemic to the Central Valley Answer

5 Native Species - 100 What is a yellow-billed magpie Return to start

6 Native Species - 200 Small rodent who’s special adaptations include the ability to drink salt water Answer

7 Native Species - 200 What is the Salt Marsh harvest Mouse Return to start

8 Native Species - 300 Two species of anadromous fish found in the Sacramento and San Juaquin Rivers Answer

9 Answer : Native Species - 300 What are chinook salmon, steelhead, striped bass, white sturgeon, green surgeon, and American shad Return to start

10 Native Species - 400 Evergreen acorn bearing tree native to woodlands of California Answer

11 Answer: Native Species - 400 What is a Live oak Return to start

12 Native Species - 500 Two animals native to California Vernal Pools Answer

13 Answer : Native Species - 500 What are fairy shrimp, tadpole shrimp, California Tiger salamander, Return to start

14 Glossary Terms -100 Type of Symbiosis in which both species benifit Answer

15 Answer : Glossary Terms - 100 What is mutualism Return to start

16 Glossary Terms - 200 Evergreen trees which bear cones answer

17 Answer : Glossary Terms - 200 What is a conifer? Return to start

18 Glossary Terms - 300 Animals that are most active during dusk and dawn Answer

19 Answer : Glossary Terms- 300 What is crepuscular? Return to start

20 Glossary Terms - 400 Events that can cause the decline of a population of a species within a habitat Answer

21 Answer : Glossary Terms - 400 What is a limiting factor Return to start

22 Glossary Terms - 500 The area of land that receives and distributes rainwater into a stream, lake or river system Answer

23 Answer – Glossary Terms 500 What is a watershed? Return to start

24 Exotics - 100 Invasive amphibian exotic to California Answer

25 Answer : Exotics -100 What is the bullfrog? Return to start

26 Exotics - 200 Aquatic mammal found in California streams and rivers once hunted for its fur and meat Answer

27 Answer : Exotics - 200 What is the muskrat Return to start

28 Exotics - 300 Omniverous marsupial found in the California Central Valley Answer

29 Answer : Exotics - 300 What is an opossum? Return to start

30 Exotics - 400 Beautiful game bird descended from old world stock Answer

31 Answer : Exotics - 400 What is the Ring-necked pheasant? Return to start

32 Exotics - 500 Three reasons exotic plants are bad for the environment Answer

33 Answer : Exotics - 500 –What Are: Displace native species Change the way a normal ecosystem operates Can be hazardous to native fauna Reduces biodiversity Return to start

34 Salmon - 100 Name of the stage of a salmon after hatching from an egg. These small guys continue to feed on their yolk sac for a few weeks. Answer

35 Answer : Salmon - 100 What is an alevin Return to start

36 Salmon - 200 Three conditions which much be exactly right for an egg to survive Answer

37 Answer : Salmon - 200 What are temperature, oxygen level, and speed of water Return to start

38 Salmon - 300 Process salmon undergo when they leave the fresh water and head to the sea. Answer

39 Answer : Salmon - 300 What is smoltification Return to start

40 Salmon - 400 Name for all fish which change physically in order to survive first in fresh water and then in salt Answer

41 Answer : Salmon - 400 What is anadromous Return to start

42 Salmon - 500 Three of the many reason salmon have a small chance of survival Answer

43 Answer : Salmon - 500 What are: Eggs crushed Siltification and pollution Poaching Dams Natural predators Habitat distruction Return to start

44 Daily Double!! On to the question

45 Energy - 100 Two alternative energy sources found in the California Central Valley Answer

46 Answer : Energy - 100 What are biomass, wind, solar and geothermal Return to start

47 Energy - 200 Element used in production of nuclear energy Answer

48 Answer : Energy -200 What is uranium? Return to start

49 Energy - 300 Energy Source used to produce 95% of the world’s energy. Answer

50 Answer : Energy- 300 What are Fossil Fuels Return to start

51 Energy - 400 One advantage and one disadvantage to using wind power Answer

52 Answer : Energy - 400 Advantage: renewable, free, no pollution, can be tourist attraction Disadvantages: some day there is no wind, can kill birds, makes noise, land can be expensive. Return to start

53 Energy - 500 Three disadvantages to using fossil fuels Answer

54 Answer : Energy - 500 What are pollution, greenhouse effect, oil spills, dangers of mining, destruction of the landscape from mining, nonrenewable Return to start

55 Troubled Species - 100 Endangered, endemic reptile of the central valley Answer

56 Answer : Troubled Species - 100 What is the giant garter snake? Return to start

57 Troubled Species - 200 Endangered amphibian that lives in vernal pools Answer

58 Answer : Troubled Species - 200 What is the California Tiger Salamander Return to start

59 Troubled Species - 300 Most common reason that animals become endangerd Answer

60 Answer : Troubled Species - 300 What is habitat destruction? Return to start

61 Troubled Species - 400 One of three animals extirpated from Central Valley Grasslands Answer

62 Answer : Troubled Species - 400 What are the grizzly bear, pronghorn antelope, and grey wolf Return to start

63 Troubled Species - 500 Endangered insect that is endemic to the central valley and only lives on ONE type of plant Answer

64 Answer : Troubled Species - 500 What is the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle (VELB)? Return to start

65 Nature Bowlers Make your wager!! And the question is…..

66 And the question is… Type of habitat each seed is found in: –Buckeye –Willow –Pine cone –Acorn –Cat tail –Thistle

67 What is: Buckeye-woodland Willow- riparian Pine cone- woodland, forest Acorn- oak savannah, oak woodland Cat tail- marsh, Thistle- grassland


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